PC stomach symptoms and treatment

PC stomach symptoms and treatment

Polyps of the stomach are accumulation of cells formed on the mucous membrane of the stomach wall. Basically is a benign formation, but with certain factors it is possible to rebirth in malignant education. Let's identify the symptoms and methods of treating this ailment.

How to reveal this ailment?

Polyps are classified in size - small and large. Small and young polyps are asymptomatic, to determine their presence in the stomach is possible only for gastroscopy.

Large polyps can cause such symptoms as:

  • nausea
  • vomit
  • gastric bleeding
  • selection of bloody masses with feces
  • diarrhea
  • acute gastric pain.

Also, the polyps are classified according to morphological features, as hyperplastic and adenomatous. Hyperplastic polyps are found at times more often, and are the growth of the gastric epithelium. They are not tumors, which is associated with their structure and almost never reborn into malignant.

Adenomatous polyps are less common and consist of a stomach fabric cell cells, which are benign tumors that can be reborn with time in cancer. It is more often happening with large polyps more than 2 cm.


  • As a rule, the disease is asymptomatic, especially in the early stages. More often, small stomach polyps are found randomly at gastroscopy or x-ray in patients who applied with other pathologies of the gastrointestinal intestinal tract, in particular during gastritis.
  • Basically, polyps are characteristic of patients aged 45-50 years, but there are cases of polyps from young people and even in children, which is rare. A larger number of patients are men.
  • Larger polyps can cause - bleeding, sharp pain and stomach cuts, difficulties of defecation, constipation, nausea, bloody vomiting, presence of blood in feces, violation of food habits.
  • Mostly polyps in the stomach develop on the background of gastritis, which is caused by bacteria. In the risk group there are men after 40 years, with impaired metabolism or gastritis suffering. Also, one of the factors is the genetic predisposition to cancer tumors of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • It is known that the polyps can contribute to the development of ulcers and internal bleeding. Accompanied by chronic inflammation of the gastric mucosa.

Informative diagnostics of polyps today is gastroscopy. Which allows not only to inspect all the gastric mucosa, but also to take a fence of the biomaterial, for further histology. Also informative is radiography with a contrast agent. Such radiography allows you to identify polyps and borders of the stomach.

Treatment of polyps

The basis of treatment in the early stages of the disease is the observance of a strict diet and the prescriptions of the doctor by the patient himself. The first is the obligatory refusal of alcohol, tobacco, taking sharp, acidic, high-salty food.

It is necessary for small portions 5-6 times a day, food should be thermal processing, cooking, quenching, baking or cooking. In the diet mainly porridge, fermented milk products, non-fat meat and fish, vegetables are only those that do not cause fermentation and flatulence. In compliance with all requirements, and the periodic observation of the gastroenterologist as a rule, the patient's disease is not bothering, and over time comes down to a minimum.

  • As a rule, drugs are prescribed to patients, enveloping stomach walls, and stimulating digestion. Antibiotics used in the treatment of bacteria, and the same drugs for the treatment of ulcers are effective.
  • In the treatment of larger polyps, surgical intervention is used. In particular, when there is a risk of rebirth of polyps in malignant education.
  • Surgical intervention is carried out by several methods. The first is endoscopy. Such a method is suitable for small single polyps, which damaged small areas of the mucous stomach walls. Such intervention allows the patient to almost immediately come to a normal lifestyle, and easily transfer the postoperative period.
  • Long operational interventions are used on large, often beginners reborn polyps, with bleeding and threat to them. The postoperative period is increasingly increased by the bandwidth on the stomach.
  • Often, despite the successful operational intervention, there is a high probability of recurrence, the emergence of new stomach polyps.

To reduce this risk, patients must be observed a strict diet for a long time. Eat more binders and enveloping products, such as flax, kislets, and so on.

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