Salmonellosis symptoms and treatment in adults

Salmonellosis symptoms and treatment in adults

Salmonellosis disease has an infectious nature and affects the gastrointestinal tract. Salmonella genus sticks are causative agents. Every year by Salmonellosis is infected by about 2 million people, which makes a disease of one of the most common.


In case of infectious disease, the patient has symptoms that are similar to the symptoms of conventional poisoning:

  • Liquid stools with mucus release, sometimes blood. In the first days, diarrhea appears with salmonellosis. Flooring watery, foamy, greenish color. In this case, the patient feels strong pain of a spastic nature in the abdomen, namely the navel. The number of emptying per day is about 5-10 times.
  • Nausea and vomiting. These symptoms can be observed for several days, and even when the stomach is completely empty. This leads to dehydration of the body, so you need to prevent complications as early as possible.
  • Not a desire to eat. At first it is recommended to use vegetable broths or liquid in any form.
  • Headache, increased body temperature, which does not jump during the day, chills, body weakness.

The incubation period of Salmonella after entering the body is both two hours and two days. After that, the first symptoms begin to manifest. Since intestinal infections are infectious, the patient needs to be isolated.

Treatment with antibacterial drugs

Easy degree of illness (vomiting 1 time and diarrhea is a maximum of 10 times a day) does not require hospitalization. But if the patient is strongly dehydrated, then it is better to contact the infectious background. The heavy form of salmonellosis is treated in the infectious compartment under the supervision of the doctor, while observing the diet and receiving antibiotics. To fill the fluid in the body you need to drink a lot, including saline solutions. Ampicillin, Polymixin M and Levomycetin, which are prescribed in a complex with enzymes, are considered the most common preparations. Antibiotics treatment should be from 5 to 9 days.

Washing stomach

At first symptoms, it is necessary to wash the stomach to remove salmonell and toxins. The procedure is carried out using a catheter and container. In some cases, drink a lot of water and cause vomiting, but it can lead to the breaking of the stomach mucosa. Washing makes 2% soda solution. With the easiest course of the disease, additional treatment is not necessary.

Taking saline solutions

To fill the fluid and salt in the body, it is necessary to take a regiment, oralitis, glucosolyan to obtain the following effects:

  • restoration of the normal rehydration of the body;
  • replenishment of salts;
  • tooling toxins.

Thus, the drug recider is adopted depending on the degree of the disease. The first hours it will fill the fluid and remove intoxication, and then support the achieved effect. For intravenous administration, trisole, chille, refooliglucin, hemodez are used. They are injected in case of refusal of a patient from drinking, with increasing signs of dehydration and not stopped vytz. Solutions are administered depending on the nature of the disease. When normalizing the state, such drugs need to be canceled.

Normalization of the digestion system

Enzymes are able to improve food digestion and food ability to assimilate. This is festal, mesphort, cholerezin. Apply drugs need instructions. Toxins, separating salmonella, can be neutralized and removed using the smect and enterodesis. To avoid dysbacteriosis, it is necessary to apply drugs to normalize the intestinal microflora - these are such probiotics as a bifidum, bificol.

Diet at Salmonellosis

  • During salmonelles, it is necessary to eliminate the stimuli of the gastrointestinal tract (this is acute food), amplifiers of secretion of organs (smoked, fried food), as well as products causing fermentation and rotting in the intestines (these are vegetables and fruits, buns).
  • It is necessary to eat soups from vegetables, weak meat broth, omelet, boiled meat and fish, rice and buckwheat porridge on water, cottage cheese, a little creamy oil, crackers, gallery cookies, and drinking all sorts, decoction of raisins, tea.
  • If the form of the disease is acute, then one-piece milk must be eliminated.
  • Observe the diet it is necessary throughout the symptoms of the disease, after their disappearance, you can gradually introduce usual products.

Prevention measures are in the prevention of its domestic development, the implementation of sanitation rules at catering enterprises. The automation of all production processes is very important, which is associated with food. In addition, it is necessary to comply with the rules of hygiene when cooking food, as well as to be thermal processing of food. Salmonellet vaccines today do not exist.

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