How to get rid of parasites in the body

How to get rid of parasites in the body

In our body is up to 300 species of parasites. These are the simplest parasites and different types of worms. Scientists from medicine studying helminths declare that they are all very dangerous for a person. Is it so?

What are the parasites in the body?

The simplest parasites include:

  • Spores (Piroplasmids, Coccia, Grenins).
  • Zhutikonsky (Giardia, Trichomonas, Leishmania).
  • Cornozhki (amoeba mouth, intestinal, dysenteric).
  • Infusoria.

Giardia - small, invisible creatures, sucked in the intestines, they absorb all the beneficial substances that come with food, highlighting toxic products. Giardia is resistant to ultraviolet radiation, chlorine, but fear of high and low temperatures.

Dysenteric amoeba in hot countries cause severe diseases that end with death, if not treated.

A representative of infusories - Balantidium, falling into the intestines, forms bleeding and fusing wounds in it, is transferred through blood throughout the body. If there are a lot of parasites in the body, a man is ill with balancing. Symptoms: Strong colic in belly, weakness, diarrhea, vomiting with blood.

The disease trichomoniasis (pathogen - trichomonas) threatens with female and male infertility, is transferred by sexual path.

Cleans include:

  • Nematodes or round worms (trichinella, ascarides, sharpness, vlasman, Ankilosters).
  • Cestodies or tape worms (echinococci, wide tape, pork, bullish and dwarf chain).
  • Trematodes or losers (liver loser).

Trichinella - worm up to 5 mm, you can get infected if there is a raw or semi-walled pig and wild animals.

Askarid 20-40 cm long can live 1 year. Living in the human body, distinguishes toxins, leading to allergies up to bronchial asthma.

Molds per length of 1 cm, cause inflammation of the intestines, colic in the navel area, liquid stools.

Absorbing up to 5 cm long, a large number of parasites cause diarrhea, abdominal pain.

AnkiloStom is a small worm that does not exceed 1.5 mm, falling into the intestine, damages blood vessels and feeds on blood. The consequence of the vital activity of parasites - anemia.

The length of the wide tape is up to 20 m, and it grows out of the larva in just 25 days. Clinging in the intestines of suction cups, the parasite causes ulcers and injures intestinal tissue, can completely close the clearance and create intestinal intestinal. Symptoms of the disease: abdominal pain with bloating, anemia.

Chain up to 6 m long. Finding into a favorable place, an adult is growing out of the larva for 3 months. From an adult chain can be separated small segments, independently moving. Symptoms of the disease: abdominal pain in the form of bouts, vomiting, dizziness, sometimes segments come out with a feet.

The hepatic sequence of up to 3 cm long. It gets from insufficiently cooked river fish. From the intestine quickly turns into the liver, gallbladder and ducts, and sucks with suction cups. Symptoms: diarrhea, nausea, pain in the stomach and muscles, sometimes with temperature and rash. Once upon a time hitting the human body, this parasite can multiply and live in it up to 25 years. During this time, a person has a nervous system disorder, liver and lymph nodes increase.

As the body can be infected with parasites

  • Unicellular organisms (malaria plasmodium) are transferred through mosquito bites.
  • In the roast climate countries, this pathogen of dysentery, like a dysenteric amoeba, is transferred through dirty hands.
  • Giardiasis can be sick, if there are dirty vegetables and fruits.
  • Round worms larvae to a person pass through dirty vegetables, fruits and water. Often with larvae carriers are unmeed hands.
  • Echinococci lives in dogs and cats, and if not washing their hands, after ironing pets, the larvae is easily transferred to the human body: the intestine, and then the liver and lungs.
  • The larva of a wide tape fell into the human body when eating is not enough prepared or raw freshwater fish.
  • Chain larvae can go to our body after eating insufficiently cooked beef and pork.

Signs of body infection by parasites

General signs of infection with parasites:

  • Itching rear pass.
  • Abdominal pain, sometimes bloating.
  • Constipation alternately with diarrhea.
  • Good appetite, but you lose weight.
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • An unpleasant smell of mouth.
  • Head pains with dizziness.
  • Dark spots on the skin.
  • Muscle pain.
  • Nail fragility.
  • Allergies and cracks on the heels.
  • Sometimes temperatures and dry cough, non-treatable.

How to get rid of parasites in the body

Treatment from parasites is carried out in 3 stages.

First stage - Preparation of the body to the expulsion of worms

To prepare the body, you need to take before eating, for 10 days, pumpkin or linen oil, 1 chain. Spoon 3 times a day. In pumpkin and flaxseed seed there are substances that are paralyzed by worms, they do not move well, they cannot propagately freely and squeeze towards the intestinal walls, some of them dies and go out.

Instead of oil, an "enterosgel" and "allohol" can be applied.

The second stage - the use of minehelery drugs

To bring round worms, apply the following tools:

  • "Levamizol".
  • Decaris.
  • "Piperazine".
  • "Nemocide".
  • "Vermakar."
  • "Termex".
  • "Medamin".

Tablets and suspension with Albendazole except round worms, also the simplest organisms:

  • "Neason".
  • "Wamil".
  • "Albendazole".

Complex anthelmintic drugs, withdrawing round and flat worms:

  • "Negroendazole".
  • "Vermoks".
  • "Fenasal".
  • "Mepacrin".
  • "Akrikhin".

The following drugs will help to remove the seasons:

  • "Trichopol".
  • "Triklaborendazole".
  • "Prasikvantel".
  • Bilricide.

Together with anthelminthic chemicals, the sorbents of "Smekt", Polysorb should be taken to bring dead parasites faster, since intoxication will begin in the body after their mass death.

The third stage - restoration of intestinal, stomach and liver functions, improving immunity

Restore the functions of damaged organs will be able to "Esssential Forte", "Hofitol", biological additives with disturbed.

Herbal preparation "Echinacea" will help to raise immunity.

So, now we know how to withdraw parasites from the body.

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