How to treat worms in children

How to treat worms in children

Helmintes are parasitizing the simplest worms that fall into the human body from outside by contact with animals or as a result of non-compliance with elementary hygiene rules. The kids because of their curiosity are much more often infected with worms and the treatment of this pathology needs to be approached very responsibly. Since in time not cured helminthmia can provoke strong allergies, violation of all internal organs and reducing immunity.

Glists in children - the path of infection and the first symptoms

Among the 12,000 known varieties of worms, about 200 are considered potentially dangerous for children. Ascarides, solitizer, giardia, sharp, trichinells are most often falling into the children's body.

The reason for getting larvae and eggs helminths serve:

  • Dirty handles.
  • Insufficiently washed fruits, berries and vegetables, raw milk.
  • Contact with domestic or street animals.
  • A visit to the children's sandbox, games with earth, grass.

It is possible to suspect glitne invasion by such signs:

  • A sharp change in appetite.
  • Strong salivation.
  • Diarrhea or constipation.
  • Weakness, lack of sleep, irritability.
  • Stomach pain, meteorism.
  • Circles under the eyes.
  • Rash on the skin.
  • Anemia.
  • Frequent ARVI.

Helminithosis treatment should be carried out only after laboratory confirmation of the presence of worms in the body.

How to treat worms in a child - a special diet

If the kid has a melting invasion, the doctor first of all advises to adjust the diet of the child and include products with anthelmal action:

  • Equal milk products (cottage cheese, symbilat, Narina, yogurt, kefir).
  • Garlic and onions (after 5 years).
  • Bars from dried fruit.
  • All kinds of croup.
  • Vegetable oils.
  • Vegetables with elevated beta-carotene content (pumpkin, carrot).

It is important in sufficient quantities to include products with cellular and vitamins C and A. These products include eggs, fish, nuts, liver.

How to treat worms in a child - Antichelmintic pharmaceuticals

There are several anthelmintic products that are used depending on the type of invasion and the age of the child:

  • Suspension and pib tablets. It is allowed to take from a half-year-old age. The analogues of the drug are Helmintoks and necocide.
  • Homeopathic dragee. These are drugs that are eliminated from worms and at the same time resume liver work. These include phytoogistocide, spegor, cine, calcaret.
  • Nebadazole. The drug is shown since 2 years. Its analogues include Vermoks, Agelmin, Wormil, Facex.

As an additional treatment, the child is prescribed drugs to improve digestion and removal of toxic substances:

  • Enzymes. Preparations with the content of pancreatic enzymes are shown along with the reception of anthelmintic tablets. Children fits Mezim, Pankreatin Children, Festal. The course lasts from 10 to 14 days.
  • Sorbents. These drugs help the body get rid of harmful products of decay of helminths. For a week, it is recommended to take a smect, enterosgel or activated carbon.
  • Probiotics. Supplements containing beneficial bacteria help to restore the usual microflora in the gut. For childhood, Linex, Enterozermina, Hilak Forte, Bioja is shown.

How to treat worms in a child - folk remedies

In the arsenal of folk agents, too, there are anthelmic recipes:

  • Pumpkin seeds - grind seeds with honey in a 3: 1 ratio, and eat 80-150 g depending on the age of the child.
  • Garlic enema - the head of garlic needs to be booked in 200 g of milk, and with the help of the resulting decoction to make the belly to the child.
  • Chamomile tea - 20 g chamomile brewed on a glass of water and drink instead of tea without restrictions.

Excellent helminthosis prevention is considered thorough hygiene, clean hands and well washed vegetables and fruits.

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