Adam's apple - recipes for cooking and treatment methods

Adam's apple - recipes for cooking and treatment methods

The orange mcclature is a deciduous tree with an interesting fruit, which is often called Adam's Apple, False Apelsin. This fruit is more valued not as a food product, but as an invaluable drug. In folk healing, the maklira is prescribed by high anti -rherapexics, vasodilators, anti -cancer, disinfecting and vasodiculting properties. What diseases can the Adam apple cure, and what therapeutic agents can be prepared from it at home?

Adam's apple - useful properties and indications

McClier has a balanced composition. It contains saponins, flavonoids, pectins, sugar and other useful nutrients. Thanks to them, Adam's apple has a comprehensive healing effect on the body.

Therapeutic properties of McClure:

  • activates self -cleaning of the body from toxins and harmful bacteria;
  • shows a prolonged antioxidant effect;
  • is a powerful anti -cancer product;
  • restores inferior metabolism;
  • returns their mobility joints;
  • prevents the accumulation of salts;
  • relieves swelling of the lower extremities and restores the venct;
  • strengthens the vascular system.

Medical indications for taking preparations with maclour are various pathologies of the bone muscular apparatus and disease of the vascular system. The phyto is used in the treatment of polyarthritis, gout, osteochondrosis, rheumatism, varicose veins and radiculitis.

Important! Maklura is prohibited for diabetes, allergies to plant agents, during gestation and breastfeeding, as well as in childhood.

Tincture of Adam's apple - recipe and method of application

Often, alcohol tincture is prepared from Adamov. It shows high activity in relation to diseases of the musculoskeletal system and has a general strengthening effect. To prepare it, you need only two components - 500 g of alcohol and 1 fruit of McClure.

The process of making tincture is simple:

  1. Take a ripe fruit, wash it and chop it with a peel with a blender or meat grinder.
  2. Transfer the pulp and all the juice into a glass container (preferably dark) and pour alcohol.
  3. Then clog the container tightly and set aside for a period of 1 to 6 months.
  4. Shake the contents of the jar daily.
  5. After cooking, strain the tincture, use for rubbish, compresses.

You can take a tincture from the maclure inside. But here it is important to follow the dosage. You need to start taking from 3 drops per day, after a week the dose is increased to 3 drops twice a day. The maximum daily dose is 30 drops.

Ointment from Adamov apple - how to cook and use

An ointment based on this fetus can be prepared independently or buy a finished product in a pharmacy. They use this form of drugs for the treatment of varicose veins, hernia, mastitis, hemorrhoids, arthrosis, osteochondrosis.

For the preparation of organic ointment with your own hands, you will need 400 g of soft pork fat and 200 g of McClure.

Prepared and accepted ointment as follows:

  1. Take a clean refractory dish, put a thin ball of the smulz on the bottom, put the slices of the maclure on top.
  2. In this way, alternate the layers until all the ingredients end. The upper layer should be made of ghee.
  3. Close the container with a lid, put in a steam bath and cook for 24 hours.
  4. Use an ointment for rubbing the affected places, or make compresses from it, distributing the ointment on the surface of the cotton fabric.

Maklure vegetable oil

Oil tincture of false apelsin is a universal drug. It can be used for massage, preparation of cosmetics, instillation of the ears and rinsing the throat, rubbing, warming compresses.


  1. For oil, take 1 liter of vegetable oil and 3-4 fruits.
  2. Cut the adom apple into pieces, pour into a glass jar.
  3. Pour the fruits with oil, close the jar.
  4. For a month, shake the jar with butter, and after this period, strain it.

If you decide to get rid of your diseases with the help of Adam's apple, do not forget to consult your doctor to make treatment more effective.

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