He sweats the face of women - what to do?

He sweats the face of women - what to do?

Sweating is a method of thermoregulation, it is due to sweat the human body does not overheat. But one thing when sweat is highlighted in moderate quantities and in those places where it can be hidden or adjust its selection, for example, armpits, back, arms, legs. And quite another thing - face. Pot on the face is obvious and hiding it is unlikely to come. Especially acute this problem is worthwhile in women, for whom heightened persons in the area of \u200b\u200bthe person does not allow to be beautiful, to apply makeup, live in a normal life.

Natural causes of increased persons in the field of face

  • The first and most important cause of increased sweating is the high ambient temperature, it does not matter, on the street or indoors. The high temperature gives a sign of the body that there is a possibility of overheating, and the body begins to highlight the sweat as the ability to cool. On the face, this is manifested the strongest, since the density of glands excreasing sweat, on the face is in high concentration. If women strongly sweats the face under such conditions, it is not a pathology and can not worry too much.
  • The second most prevalence is physical exertion. If during sports, or performing some labor that requires an application of force, your face sweats, then it is also not a reason for anxiety, but a natural process.
  • Emotions, joy and experience, an important event or a responsible event may cause the face to be covered by sweat drops. It is also quite explained and naturally, is not a deviation or problem.

The way to combat increased sweating on the face in such cases is as follows:

  1. It is necessary to wash it often cool water.
  2. On hot days it is not necessary to apply makeup, and if without it can not do, then you need to do a minimum cosmetics.
  3. Always have cotton or paper napkins with you, in order to timely remove the excess sweat from the face.

It is important to remember that wet napkins in these cases are better not to use. They dried the skin, can lead to irritation and itching, and only aggravate the situation.

More serious reasons for increased persons in the field of face

It is often possible to worry that the face often sweats, it is necessary in those cases where the above circumstances are missing, and the woman's face sweats anyway. The reasons for sweating can be the following health problems:

  • Obesity.
  • Problem with metabolism.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  • Deviations in the operation of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Problems with heart and vessels.
  • Infections.
  • Specific reaction to medicinal treatment.
  • Hereditary pathology.

You need to immediately pay attention to the increased sweating in the field of face and if it worries, then you need to consult a doctor so that it does not exceed the hyperhydrous disease.

How to deal with sweating?

To begin with, it is necessary to establish whether the increased sweating of faces by the consequence of natural reasons, or this is a symptom of any disease. It should also be remembered that it is meaningless to treat manifestations if the cause of manifestations is not eliminated.

  • To begin with, you need to tightly take up your weight, adjust the mode and correctness of the power, think about whether the hygiene is fulfilled.
  • In order to begin treatment, you need to consult a doctor. Usually, sedatives are first prescribed to reduce nervousness, allow a person to calm down, and start global diagnosis to find out the true causes of increased sweating on the face.
  • You can also contact a beautician who will appoint a number of procedures that will help reduce the intensity of sweating.

Of the folk methods, the following are popular:

  • Freeze the infusion of chamomile and cubes of such a "chamomile" ice wipe the skin.
  • Brew the infusion of herbs, and wash your face. Oak bark, sage and mint on 1 tablespoon of each type of plants, you need to pour 400 ml of boiling water, let it brew and use for rubbing the skin of the face and washing.

How to prevent increased sweating on the face?

  • First you need to start working a healthy lifestyle, play sports, eliminate from your diet, sweet, sweet, carbonated drinks, fast food, fatty.
  • Refuse or reduce the amount of alcohol consumed, minimize smoking, or abandon this harmful habit at all.
  • Reduce the number of stresses and situations that accompanies emotional overvoltage.
  • Monitor compliance with hygiene.
  • Apply special cosmetics recommended by a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

With high sweating, it is certainly necessary to fight in order not to launch the condition and not become the owner of a chronic disease - hyperhydroz. However, it is necessary to share the natural causes of sweating and pathology.

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Olga 07/21/2019 at 13:30

There may be different reasons ....climax is also very often the cause of the reason, for example, I began in 43, and everything was fine, until it went tides (along with sweating, just like that), and sharp mood changes, this is I screwed and spoiled life specifically, and I did not want to take the hormones, then I was advised by a non-mertic remedy for cycle in combination with Cyclima Alanin, thanks to which all the symptoms subsided and I could have gotten out of the nightmare!

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