Hot sun rays can give not only a beautiful bronze tan, but also red skin with blisters. Sunny burns, first of all, the face is exposed, as the skin is very gentle. How to help the burnt plots on the face, which can and what is strictly forbidden to do, described in detail in our article.
Symptoms of obtaining sunburn on the face
The most accurate symptom of obtaining sunburn is redness of the skin. Depending on the degree of burn, the shade of the skin can become from a slightly pink to bright red. Also, obvious signs of the face burn are:
- itching and burning sensations;
- blisters (this is a complex burning of the burn, in which case, to engage in self-medication);
- elevated body temperature;
- general weakness, the desire to hide the face from direct exposure to sunlight;
- the area around the eyes has a white shade;
- the swelling of the face as a whole or only the burned site.
What to do to facilitate the symptoms?
The first symptoms that the skin has become "not good," manifests themselves in a couple of hours after the active exposure to sunlight. Remember that sunburn faces contribute to premature aging of the skin and the development of pigment spots. To prevent this, the victim need to perform a number of simple actions:
- cool the face (first of all, you need to remove the "heat" of the burnt plot, impose a gauze compress on the face, moistened in cold water; it is necessary to change it as soon as it becomes warm);
- take an anesthetic medicine (nurofen, paracetomol, etc.);
- drink, as much water as possible (any solar burn leads to dehydration of the body);
- if the burn is not serious, the person can be wiped with chlorhexidine or a weak solution of mangalls;
- apply a remedy for sunny burns (panthenol, panteshein proved well;
- the victim must be in a cool place, it is desirable to turn on the air conditioner (if there is no such possibility, hide in the shadow);
- if you are still in the sun after burn, clog the face of a natural material that is pre-dipped in cold water.
What can not be done?
It is the opinion that the treatment with alcohol of the burnt area of \u200b\u200bthe skin will help to quickly remove the symptoms. But this option is definitely not suitable for the face. Since after such a "method" there is a high probability that pigment spots will remain on the skin, get rid of which is very difficult. Also to a number of prohibited actions include:
- wipe the face with ice cubes (of course, the way will greatly facilitate the state of the victim, but due to a sharp change of temperature on the skin, the scars can remain on the skin and freckles will appear);
- wash the face with water from the reservoir;
- use tonics, scrubs, fatty creams of animal origin;
- lubricate the face with vaseline or oxides on a vaseline basis;
- drink alcohol drinking strong tea and caffener-containing drinks;
- if there are blisters on the face, they can not be touched and pierced;
- use soap and gels for washing.
Folk remedies from sunburn facial
The pharmacy sells a lot of funds from sunburn, but it is not always possible to buy them. In traditional medicine, there are excellent budget recipes that will help get rid of symptoms and retain skin youth:
- kefir or serum lubricate face, withstand 15 minutes, wash off cool water (do not allow milk products to dry on your face);
- prepare aloe juice and handle burnt areas of skin 3 times a day;
- raw potatoes rub on a shallow grater, squeeze well and apply on the face;
- raw a strong black tea, cool to room temperature, wipe the face up to 5 times a day (if the face has burned hard, you need to make a compress from tea for half an hour);
- rice flour will greatly remove itching and redness, it is enough to "point" the burnt face;
- the flesh of the watermelon shall apply on the face and withstand 10-15 minutes (the face can be wiped with watermelon juice up to 7 times a day);
- in the refrigerator, cool the leaves of the white cabbage, attach to the face and change as soon as they become warm.
Do not forget about the precautionary measures, before leaving the beach, be sure to use the sunscreen.
I have not burned my face for a long time. I use a bridal cream against pigment with SPF 50. And always the skin is reliably protected
Always on vacation with myself I take Panthenol Libriderm. He quickly restores and soothes the oven
If after solar procedures you understand that burned down, urgently use the ointment of Radaevit. I liked this tool that it not only relax burning and pain, but it even helped me avoid peeling the skin.