Sweating and unpleasant smell of legs is a fairly common problem. Masciful half is most often suffering. A person feels discomfort, an insecurity arises. About the reasons and methods, how to solve such a delicate problem, described in detail in our article.
Why do the legs sweat?
Most people suffer increased feet in the warm season. Only 10% of the inhabitants of the planet complain about the constant sweating of the legs, which does not decrease with the change in any external factors. Such a condition of the leg is called an individual feature of the body, it is almost impossible to get rid of it, but to reduce sweating and remove the unpleasant smell - quite real. To the main reasons for swelling feet include:
- the development of fungus (one of the most common reasons, fungus can be made in the pool, public bath, sauna, by improper disinfection of tools in the cabin of the manicure and pedicure, using one towel by all family members, etc.);
- poor-quality shoes (shoes that are made of poor-quality material, as well as rubber shoes can cause swelling of the legs);
- footwear is not for the season (in the hot season of year it is recommended to wear the most open shoes for normal ventilation);
- failure to comply with personal hygiene rules (morning and evening souls are required for each person);
- overweight and obesity (full of people more often suffer from foot sweating);
- stress, nervous overvoltage (at the time of testing of fear or stress can sweat not only palm, but also legs);
- incorrect operation of the endocrine system (if the sweating and unpleasant smell of legs is accompanied by a total weakness, a sharp increase in body weight, it is recommended to visit the endocrinologist);
- heredity (increased feet sweating can be inherited, most often, on the male line).
A reason to visit the dermatologist?
If you have begun to disturb the sweating of the legs, and the unpleasant smell interferes with normal life, perhaps in your feet "lives" of the feet of the feet. This problem will help cure a dermatologist, the specialist will put the accurate diagnosis and will prescribe effective treatment. The main symptoms of the mushroom feet are:
- the skin becomes dry, unpleasant to the touch;
- regular itching feet;
- foot fingers begin to peel;
- corn appear.
How to get rid of sweat and smell on the legs?
Foot sweating can be accompanied by both a barely notable church and a sharp unpleasant smell. It depends solely on the individual characteristics. If the diagnosis of fungus has not been confirmed and does not require drug treatment, then to get rid of delicate problems will help:
- compliance with the rules of hygiene (if there are no legs for washing the legs, use wet wipes with antibacterial properties);
- after the shower, use Talc (a children's powder fit perfectly);
- we wash off the shoes from the inside regularly (the insoles must be washed every week);
- use spray to remove the smell of the legs (they can be purchased as in the pharmacy);
- change socks daily;
- after the working day, make foot baths with sea salt;
- refuse shoes made of synthetic materials.
Folk recipes
The use of folk remedies will help effectively overcome the unpleasant smell of legs. In addition, such methods will not entail significant material costs:
- 1 method - bandage moisten in the soda saline solution (1 tbsp. S soda and 1 tbsp. L. Per liter of warm water), keep the feet of the feet for 30 minutes, the procedure is repeated 3-4 times a week;
- 2 way - on the washed with soap legs to apply sea buckthorn oil, after 1 hour, remove the remains of the oil;
- 3 way - to quickly remove leg moisture, it is necessary to process the feet with a cotton swab, moistened with hydrogen peroxide;
- 4 way - to make foot baths with the addition of dry chamomile;
- 5 way - to make a weak solution of mangartee, lower his feet into it for 10 minutes;
- 6 Method - per 1 liter. Warm water add 0.5 liters. any beer, keep the feet for a bath of 20 minutes (to repeat the procedure daily);
- 7 Method - Prepare a sturdy black tea, with the help of a cotton swab to treat the feet with a warm drink, leave up to complete drying.
At the time of treatment, use only cotton socks, women need to abandon Kapron tights and stockings.
Increased foot sweating not only leads to an unpleasant smell, but in such an environment, fungus can develop. Therefore, this problem does not need to be allowed on samothek. I buy a formagel for my husband, which he applies to clean, dry foot about once a week. And thereby, it is not only getting rid of high sweating and unpleasant odor, but also reduces the risk of fungal diseases.