How to cook condensed milk in the bank

How to cook condensed milk in the bank

Boiled condensed milk - all familiar delicacy from childhood and a magnificent product for any sweet dessert. You can purchase ready-made caramel yummy, can be prepared independently, so that the product complies with the requirements of color, taste and consistency. How to cook condensed milk at home, find out from our article.

How to cook condensed milk in the bank - choose the product

All taste and qualitative characteristics of the cooked boiled condensed milk depend on the natural nature of the product, therefore, before you buy a jar of condensed milk for cooking, pay attention to such items:

  • the composition of condensed milk (in the product name, there should be only sugar and milk on the label);
  • shelf life;
  • marking (high-quality milk is marked with number 76);
  • quality standard (Look for the inscription GOST);
  • packaging integrity.

How to cook condensed milk in the bank - cook in a saucepan

Improper wark condensed milk in the saucepan is fraught with an explosion of tin cans. In order to avoid this, remember that the main thing is to keep the water level in the cooking capacity. Tighten the water (it should also be hot) as it swallows.

The cooking process itself is easy:

  • Place the jar with condensed milk in the pan.
  • Fill the container with water so that it covers the jar with milk.
  • Bring water to boil.
  • Discover the fire and boil the right time, constantly maintaining the water level.

How to cook condensed milk in the bank - cook in a slow cooker

Cut caramel condensed militant in a slow cooker will be much faster and easier than in a saucepan (no need to top up). Place the bank of condensed milk (better on the barn) in a multicooker bowl, fill it with water (not higher than the level of extreme mark in the bowl). Place the speed of the rapid water boiling, then reduce the "quenching" mode.

How to cook condensed milk in the bank - we cook in the microwave

You can get a sweet yummy very quickly, using an unusual way - welding it in the microwave. To do this, proceed condensed milk from the can in a comfortable deep glass container, which then cover with a polyethylene film. In the shelter, make some small holes, to extract moisture from the product. Cooking condensed milk should be prepared on average power for two minutes, making several goals (usually 5-8, depending on the density you need), be sure to stirring it between them. For 10-15 minutes, you will get the boiled product in color and consistency, provided that the condensed milk is made according to GOST.

With a standard cooking condensed milk in a saucepan, its color and depends on the final culinary task and fat content of the source product (the fatty% of condensed milk, the longer it will need to do). If you wish to get a no thick mass of light caramel colors - boil condensed milk approximately hour and a half. The thick Irisk intensive color will turn out after milk cooking for 2-3 hours.

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