The correct rice is the base of delicious rolls. It is not necessary to resort to the purchase of special varieties called "Rice for Sushi". Inside such a package can be simple round rice, the cost of which is at times cheaper. We will teach you how to choose and cook rice for Japanese rolls.
Rice option for rolls
Prefer round-granular varieties. Fig should be fresh, which indicates the light color of the grain with barely transparent tips. The absence of pigment formations is another distinguishing sign of high-quality rice. The presence, or rather, the absence of insects is a mandatory factor.
Preparation of rice for rolls
Pour rice into spacious tank and rinse with water. The most effective method occurs in such a sequence:
- Fill rice with cold running water and leave for 5 minutes.
- Drain the water and repeat the first action, leaving rice "settle" by about 1 minute.
- Drain the water and rinse the grain (it is possible through the sieve) to the complete removal of starch. That is, as a result, water after rice washing should remain completely transparent. To do this, you will need to drain the water 10-15 times.
- When rice is washed from starch surplus, you can start cooking. This can be done in a saucepan with a thick-walled bottom or in a slow cooker. The second method is uniquely more convenient.
Cooking rice for rolls
To prepare the right rice, it is important to comply with the proportions. Ideally, 100% of the dry rice take 120% of the water. If there is no possibility to measure proportionality, then simply immerse the thoroughly washed rice into the cooking container and pour the water "for 2 fingers" above the rice level. Next, if you cook in a slow cooker, then everything is simple: select the "Porridge" or "Cooking" program. Time 20-25 minutes.
For cooking in a saucepan:
- Bring to a boil with an open lid.
- Next, muffle the fire to a minimum and cover the lid.
- Leave languish for 15-18 minutes.
- Turn off the fire, and leave the rice under the lid for another 10 minutes.
If your dishes are not reliable and often burns, we recommend that the foil sheet is easily addressed before cooking.
IMPORTANT: In no case, during cooking, do not stir the rice - this is a rough error and the result is a porridge instead of complete oily grains.
Rice refilling for rolls
For refueling, you can use both rice vinegar and simple 9% table vinegar. At 200 dry rice take:
- 2 tbsp. spoons of vinegar;
- 1 tbsp. l. soy sauce;
- 1 tsp. Sahara.
All ingredients mix together and finishing the refill in warm rigs, pre-hacking a wooden blade. Gently, in parts, turn the mass (without stirring!). Rice is ready for the formation of rolls!
Not so long ago, the idea of \u200b\u200bfilling the rice with aroma of Norri appeared at the cooking stage. This is not necessarily, but at leisure you can try. It is enough to throw a part of the sheet of pressed algae in the rice and remove it until the booster. Evaluate the difference in cooking methods themselves! We will be glad to see your comments and find out the results! You will succeed!