How to cook spinach?

How to cook spinach?

Dark green leaves of spinach can be prepared even in winter. They have a low calorie content, but high nutrition. Spinach is so universal that it can be added to almost any dish. It can be found in the cheese or cooked form, as a side dish and main dishes. Roasted spinach can be seasoned with oil and seasonings.

Cleaning and selection of spinach

The quality of the dish depends on the correct selection and preparation of the main ingredient.

  • For cooking, crispy, bright green leaves without dark spots and yellowing. You can buy greens in beams. It is stored in a dry plastic package in the refrigerator no more than 3 days.
  • Stems are sorted. Thick, fibrous leaves are best suited for cooking.
  • To clearly clean the spinach, it is left for a minute in a container with cold water. Put out the leaves in a colander and give a stance of water.


Spinach not only is quickly prepared, but also adds color, nutrients and souctions of soups. A simple tomato soup will be Florentine, it is worth adding spinach to it. Leaves can be the base of the dish. Onions with garlic extinguished in a saucepan, then add potatoes, a beam of fresh or frozen spinach and vegetable broth. Cook on slow fire until potato and spinach is ready. Add fresh herbs kinsea, parsley or mint. Cooking soup takes only 15 minutes, and the house is filled with fragrant spices.

Pesto sauce

Spinach combined with basil in the preparation of pesto. Take 3 cups spinach, basil and 1 cup ¼ cup fresh mint flavor and for brightness. Leaves seasoned with garlic, walnuts, lemon juice, grated parmesan cheese and olive oil. Whisk the composition in a food processor until smooth. After cooking the pasta, leaving a cup of starchy water. Fry broccoli and cherry tomatoes in garlic oil, sauce and supplement them with water after cooking spaghetti. Sam the sauce thickens when frying. Serve pasta with a side dish of pesto and garnish everything with fresh parsley. Such a sauce may be stored in the refrigerator for a week and used for sandwiches, toasts or pizza sauce.

roasted leaves

Roasting spinach on a plate - a quick and easy way of cooking. The recipe is quite simple, we need only leaves fry with garlic in olive oil and sprinkle with a little lemon juice. More refined recipe is cooking greens with tomato sauce, spinach when complementary flavors of cumin, cinnamon, chilli, garlic and ginger. To start with a little chopped garlic fried in olive oil, toss spinach and bring to wilt. Salad seasoned with tamari sauce and sesame seeds.

Breakfast from leaves

Spinach can be a favorite stuffing for omelettes. They are prepared on the basis of mushrooms, onions and peppers, and a last-minute drop out of spinach and cheese. A good idea would be cooking breakfast frittata (omelet in the oven). The dish may have any fillings that are at hand: the chopped spinach, artichoke and mozzarella.

green pastries

Did you know that spinach can be used in baking? Puree greens (1 cup) was added in pies and cakes for nutrition. Cooks even baked salty cookies, which are decorated with leaves. These biscuits complement any sauce.

Pakoras and fritters

For supporters of healthy food suitable vegetable pakoras. Spinach leaves are dipped into the dough from rice (gram) of flour and spices, then fried until crisp. Another way to enjoy the fried spinach - is to cook fritters. Mashed potatoes mixed with onions, spinach, garlic and flour and then fried. Crispy fritters dipped in cucumber sauce cacık.

The combination with the test

Spinach perfectly complements the pasta dishes. The bright green color is aesthetically decorated with any pasty dish and increases its nutritional value. For example, it will look pretty impressive in lasagna mozzarella, spinach leaves and hearts of artichoke. Greens are also used for filling ravioli and cannelloni.

Indian Palac

Spinach, or Palac, is a popular ingredient of Indian dishes. Sahag, flavored by Tmin, ginger, chile and tomatoes, is an excellent addition to any Indian holiday. It takes a sliced \u200b\u200bspinach for its cooking, peeled tomato peel, chili pepper, 1/4 tbsp. Peanut butter, onions, garlic, 1 tsp. Spices Garam Masala. In the pan on the oil roasted chili, onions and garlic. Then put tomato and prepare for another 2 minutes. Putting the spinach and salt, cover the frying pan with a lid and extinguished 25 minutes. At the end, they refuel Sahag with spices.

There are many recipes where the green of spinach is applied. The one who begins to add it to some of his dishes continues to use everywhere.

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