How to cook pasta with cheese?

How to cook pasta with cheese?

With the preparation of macaroni with cheese, even a beginner hostess will cope. This dish love almost everything. It will especially be appreciated by men and children. But the girls who are watching their figure are such a dish with accurate calorie counting. Since pasta with cheese incredibly satisfying and systematic use contribute to an increase in body weight.

How to cook pasta?

Before starting the preparation of the main dish, you need to learn how to cook pasta. It is from how correctly you welcome them will depend on the taste of the dishes. Pasta recommend buying from solid wheat varieties. They are allowed to eat even people with a high level of cholesterol and diabetes mellitus. In order for pasta to not turn into "porridge", recommend:

  • throw pasta to boiling salted water (many culinary sites advise to lower pasta in cold water, but it is not correct);
  • as soon as the pasta was thrown - be sure to interfere with 30-40 seconds. (so that pasta do not stick to the bottom of the pan);
  • after the pasta boiled - close them with a lid and reduce the fire;
  • trying the readiness of pasta you need 3 minutes earlier than the manufacturer indicates on the package;
  • be sure to wash the ready-made pasta with cold boiled water using a colander (if the product is made of solid wheat varieties, it is not necessary to rinse).

Pasta with cheese for 20 minutes

If the guests are already on the threshold, and in your refrigerator the minimum set of products, then such an appetizing dish, like pasta with cheese will help save the position.

Ingredients that are needed for cooking:

  • makarona - 200 g (it is better to choose pasta pasta);
  • creamy oil - 100 g;
  • flour - a quarter of a glass;
  • milk of medium fatty - 2 glasses;
  • solid cheese - 200 g (cheese you can choose any you like);
  • salt and pepper - to taste;
  • greens - to decorate the dish.

Now proceed to the preparation of the main dish:

  • 1 step - drunk pasta according to the instructions indicated above;
  • 2 step - to melt butter in the pan;
  • 3 step - in melted oil in small portions add flour and milk, carefully interfere, so that no lumps are formed;
  • 4 step - add pepper and salt into sauce;
  • 5 step - as soon as the sauce began to thick, it is necessary to add grated cheese;
  • 6 Step - the resulting mixture must be constantly interfered until the cheese is completely melted;
  • 7 step - ready-made sauce pour into boiled pasta.

The dish needs to be decorated with greens, a glass of dry wine is perfect for macaronam with cheese.

Pasta with cheese in the oven - no more easier recipe

If you do not want to stand at the stove and regularly interfere with sauce and pasta, then a simple recipe for making this powerful dishes comes to the rescue.


  • pasta - 400 g;
  • solid cheese - 250 g;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • creamy oil - 10 g.

Step-by-step dish preparation instructions:

  • 1 step - boil pasta to half-year (5-7 minutes);
  • 2 step - to learn the seashells on the colander, wait until they heat the water;
  • 3 step - in ready-made pasta add half grated cheese and mix thoroughly;
  • 4 step - lubricate the shape where pasta will be baked, butter;
  • 5 step - in the form of shifting pasta and sprinkle with cheese, which remained.
  • 6 Step - We send pasta in the oven and bake at a temperature of 180 degrees before the formation of a ruddy crust (20-25 minutes).

The dish needs to be served hot, optionally can be decorated with greens and bell pepper.

Makarona is a favorite dish of almost every family. Especially the hostesses for the simplicity and speed of preparation are valued. The main thing is not to save on the purchase of high-quality pasta.

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