How to make mushroom soup from champignons?

How to make mushroom soup from champignons?

Soup recipes from champignons are really a lot. Each hostess takes the basis of the database and adds its own developments. However, there is an unbreakable classic - this cream soup from champignons and mushroom soup with the addition of melted cheese. And the one and the other recipe - the win-win options will enjoy everything without exception, even those who are skeptical to mushrooms and dishes.

Champignon cream soup

Gentle, cream, creamy is a stunning soup that will conquer the heart of anyone. And most importantly - cook it simple and fast!

What will be needed for cooking:

  • 300 grams of champignons.
  • One large white bulb.
  • Potatoes - 3 or 4 tubers.
  • Cream - 200 ml, but the number inaccurate, add to taste and requirement.
  • Any vegetable oil is for roasted.
  • Parsley - a small amount, exclusively as an ornament.
  • Baguette for the preparation of crackers.
  • Salt, pepper, spices - to taste a cook.

Cooking method:

First you need to cook crackers.

  • For this, the baguette cuts medium sized by cubes, bread lumps are sent to the baking sheet or a piece suitable for the oven.
  • Bread must be sprinkled with spices, it is necessary to do it moderately, the main thing is not to rearrange.
  • Sukhariki go into the oven, the temperature is 180 degrees - time - until readiness.
  • Sukhariki should turn out to be melting in the mouth and crispy. The degree of readiness is determined on the sample.
  • By readiness to set them towards cooling.

Preparation of the soup itself.

  • Mushrooms and onions crush.
  • Heat the pan, add vegetable oil to it, fry champignons with a bow for no more than 15 minutes.
  • Potatoes clear, cut into cubes, boil in salted water until readiness.
  • Water from potatoes to merge into a separate container, it is still useful, the potatoes are crowned, then add mushrooms with onions to it, and crushed with a submersible blender or plumb.
  • Pour the mass with a small amount of water, move to a homogeneous state.
  • Add a warm cream to taste. If they are not enough, add some water in which potatoes were cooked.
  • Soup warm up, but do not boil, it is necessary to heal and pepper if necessary.
  • Feeding, in each plate add greens and prepared for desharics.

Soup from champignons and melted cheese

This soup is incredibly welded and fragrant. The recipe is surprisingly simple, all products are available. Have to take:

  • Water - 2 liters.
  • Mushrooms - 400 g
  • The melted raw materials are 2 packs ("Russian" or "Kostroma" is perfect for "Russian" or "Kostroma").
  • Potatoes - 4 medium tubers.
  • Loke-repka - 1 small head.
  • Greens for decoration, the parsley is perfect, a small beam.
  • Vegetable oil for roasting components.
  • Salt, pepper, spices - at the discretion and taste of the chef.

How to cook:

  • Onions need to chop finely.
  • Champignons - as you like, you can half, quantity, or also finely like onions.
  • Preheat the frying pan with a small amount of oil on it.
  • Add champignons, fry until the extinction of excess moisture is disappeared.
  • Send onions to mushrooms, downflow and fry minutes 10 -15.
  • In the saucepan boil the water (you can use chicken broth), let go into it purified and crumpled potatoes. Cook from the moment of water boiling for 10 minutes.
  • Roasted champignons with onions add to potatoes, also cook everything together for 10 minutes.
  • Melted raws grate on a shallow grater, send to the soup, cook for 5 minutes until the cheese disperses the cheese.
  • Pour over the plates, sprinkle with greens and file to the table.

These recipes go to bang, but the options for cooking soup from champignons are still a great set, ranging from the classic fungal and ending with fish with the addition of champignons. Here you need to navigate only for personal preferences.

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