Soups are very useful for the human body, their daily use normalizes the operation of the stomach and the entire digestive tract, so do not neglect this important, from the digestion point, dish. If you do not like soups, you may simply have not yet found the best option for this dish. Onion soup is very popular in European countries, and in France he has become one of the traditional French dishes. The thing is that it is preparing very quickly and easily, and the products needed for its preparation are in general accessibility. Onion soup prepare in Russia, there are even several options for the preparation of this uncomplicated dish.
French onion soup. Classic option
To recreate the classic version of the traditional French Ovow Soup, take the following products:
- 3 mid-size bulbs;
- 50 grams of butter;
- chicken bouillon;
- 100 ml. white dry wine;
- one art. spoon flour;
- salt, sugar to taste;
- 100-150 grams of grated solid cheese;
- crispy baguette.
The soup is preparing as follows:
- Cut onion with rings and fry it in butter until a golden crust appears.
- Cooking onions need to be salted and add one teaspoon of sugar to it, after which it will increase the fire, add a tablespoon of flour and well to fry all over a few minutes.
- In the preparing onion, gently pour wine and half of the broth.
- After 5-10 minutes, pour the remnants of the broth and bring the soup to a boil. In a boiling condition, soup must be within 10 minutes, after which it is ready to use.
- Putting ready-made soup on the ceramic pots or deep plates and superately spray with grated cheese.
- Serve such a soup is needed exclusively with crispy baguette.
Cold onion
The cold version of the traditional French bodice soup came up with a cook from France, which for a long time worked in New York, so this soup can be considered an American analogue of French dishes.
To prepare this soup you will need:
- several heads of fresh onions;
- leek;
- meat broth or ordinary water;
- potato;
- cream;
- butter;
- lemon juice;
- salt, pepper to taste.
The cooking process itself is as follows:
- The bow must be cut into cubes and fry together with a white part of the crushed onion at the well heated butter within 15-20 minutes.
- Add fresh potato cubes to fried onions.
- A few minutes after adding potatoes, pour the liter of broth or ordinary water and boil the soup until potatoes are ready.
- Virtually ready-made soup should be salted and across to taste, after which you add juice of one lemon and 300 ml cream.
- Slightly cool down the soup and take it with a blender to a state of homogeneous mass.
- Ready soup decorate a finely chopped green onion or any other greens.
French Low Soup
This is the easiest recipe for cooking onion soup. To make it preparation you will need some free time and some products, such as:
- several heads of fresh onions;
- 300 grams of crackers;
- 100-150 grams of cream soft cheese;
- liter of vegetable broth or ordinary water;
- 50 grams of butter;
- salt pepper to taste.
- First of all, grind the entire trained bow.
- On the melted butter well fry the crushed onion and salt it in taste.
- While roasted onions, bring a saucepan with water or vegetable broth to a boil.
- Lower the roasted onions roasted to the golden crust, add crackers and soft creamy cheese. Sung wash, stick to taste and cool down a bit.
- With the help of a blender, turn the finished onion soup in the soup.
- Ready soup should be served with croutons or crackers.