How to normalize metabolism

How to normalize metabolism

Normal metabolism is an important energy source for your body. To ensure that it is always enough and the body worked as a clock, you must be able to normalize the correct metabolism. Several tips on how to do it.

Go to fractional food. Each eating should often, but gradually. Drink every 2-3 hours with small portions. Food will flow into the stomach fractional portions, the stomach will digest it easier and faster, which is favorable at the metabolic speeds.

Do not dehydrate the body. Dehydration negatively affects the operation of the gastrointestinal tract. Drink more pure water, especially after physical activity.

Eat enough protein. Proteins improve the metabolism. Eat chicken, eggs, nuts, dairy products.

Turn on the spices in the diet. Kurkuma, Pern Chile, Cumin and garlic have a beneficial on metabolic processes. Spices also improve the work of the liver and gallbladder. The main thing, know the measure!

Do not eat too calorie food. Food rich in simple carbohydrates is harmful to normal metabolism. Do not eat sausage, buns and other calorie foods. Pay attention to proteins, useful fats and carbohydrates.

Use fiber. The fiber accelerates metabolic processes in the body. Eat more vegetables and fruits, apply the body with a fiber.

Get out sports. Strong muscles are excellent soil for good metabolism. Physical activity is beneficial to metabolism, so engage in any sport as you like. The main thing is to do it regularly.

Avoid stressful situations. Avoid loads on the psyche, since substances allocated during stress worsen the metabolism. If there is no stressful situations - learn how to cope with them and not to perceive everything close to heart.

Being the owner of his body and the body, replenish it with the necessary energy. It is not difficult to normalize the metabolism, you just need to eat right, avoid stress and play sports.

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