How to wet apples

How to wet apples

Ureated apples in Russia were considered one of the most delicious winter blanks. Along with sauer cabbage, salty cucumbers and mushrooms, apples were served on a festive table, and to everyday meal. Today, rarely, who independently wins apples, because they can be bought on the market. But if you have a cool basement, then try to cook this real delicacy. Watering apples is absolutely not difficult.

What apples fit for urine

For the workpiece only apples late varieties are suitable, with a very dense pulp. Best behave in barrels and banks: Titovka, Pepin, Antonovka, Anis. Apples choose the same size and completely integer. Even the slightest cracks or dents are not allowed. Damaged apples at the point of impact will begin to heat and spoil the entire workpiece.

Tar for urine is better to take a wooden - these are small barrels. If there is no basement in the house, then apples can be prepared in glass jars, but they will need to be kept in the refrigerator. Ceramic barrels can be used.

How to wet apples with salt and sugar

This recipe is the easiest because it uses the most common products:

  • In cold water, dissolve salt and sugar. At 5 liters of fluid, take 60 grams of salt and sugar. Brine is well mixed so that there are no grains on the bottom.
  • In three-liter banks, put whole apples and move them by any leaves (cherry, currant, mint, raspberry). Leaves for each bank take pieces of 10.
  • Pour apples with brine and cover the cans by kapron covers. Keep apples at room temperature until the fluid is lounted. Lounge suggests that the process of fermentation began in banks.
  • After the brine becomes muddy, transfer banks to the cold.
  • Keep banks in the basement or refrigerator at least one and a half months. It is so much time to be required to apple to drink brine and become sour-sweet with a pleasant yeast taste.

How to wet apples with honey

Ancient Russian recipe, which used our ancestors. Apples are better to harvest in wooden barrels - because of the smell of wood they will be even tastier:

  • Make a fill of 10 liters of cold water, 150 g of a large salt, 300 g of honey and 100 malt. The latter can be replaced with rye flour.
  • Twenty blocking barrel fill with apples. They must be moved by fresh leaves of cherries and black currant.
  • Apples pour the liquid and cover with a wooden circle. Install the oppression on it (the jar with water or purely washed stone).
  • The barrel first keep in that part of the basement, where the temperature keeps from 15 to 18 degrees.
  • Two weeks, a barrel move to a colder room (10-12 degrees).

Apples can be tried in two months - three.

How to wet apples with cabbage

Apples are perfectly combined with cabbage, especially if you take Antonovka. Cabbage acquires the fragrance of these fruits, and the apples from the cabbage are obtained by very crispy. So:

  • Patch 4 kg of winter cabbage.
  • Scroll on the grater of 3 large carrots.
  • Mix vegetables and add 3 tbsp to them. Salts and 2 tbsp. Sahara. Peretrate everything before the release of juice.
  • Wet cabbage with carrots lay out in ceramic barrel and spread the medium-sized apples between them. Apple take about 3 kg.
  • To save the cappist - a flat plate with a jar filled with water.
  • Take the barrel to the place where the room temperature is held.
  • After 3-4 days, check the fluid level. If the top layer is dry, then add some brine (1 cup of water +1 tablespoon of salt +1 sugar tablespoon).
  • After 2 weeks, transfer the keg in a cooler place (balcony or basement).

Apples with cabbage will be ready in one month. This cabbage is best served in the form of a snack and serve together with apples, cutting them on slices.

If you live in the village and you have barley straw, then prepare the uroin apples according to the present ancient recipe. How, see below.

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