How can caramelize apples

How can caramelize apples

Caramelized fruits and berries and berries are very popular in European countries - they make various desserts with them, feed them to meat and start baking them. If you are a fan of delicious food and love to amaze your home, learn how to caramelize apples.

What apples can be caramelize

Caramelization is fried fruit in thick sugar syrup. Since the apples will be undergoing heat treatment, it is better to take them with a rather dense pulp. Very tender and juicy can simply fall apart with frying in a pan. And although the taste of them will be excellent, the commodity will lose the dish.

For caramelization you will also need: sugar, butter, water, cinnamon, vanillin. Caramelized apples are well prepared with pears. The cooking technology is exactly the same as for alone apples.

How can caramelize apples in sugar caramel

Since the apples need to be caramelized by small batches, then so much the fruits are cut by the slices so that they fluently lay on a frying pan in one layer.

  • Remove seed boxes from apples.
  • Throw 4 spoons of sugar on the cold frying pan and put on the middle fire. When sugar is heated and light brown, pour 2 tablespoons of water to it. Stir the mass and tailor 1 or 2 minutes.
  • As soon as Caramel becomes thick, put apples into it. Stirring slices with a wooden blade, achieve that they become translucent and covered with an amber crust.
  • Put the first portion of caramelized apples on a plate.
  • Now wash the frying pan and repeat the process, ie, prepare the following portion.

How caramelizing apples in cream caramel

These apples are still tasty, as caramel contains butter. So:

  • Melt in a frying pan 2 tbsp. l. Butter.
  • Pass into the oil 5 tbsp. Sahara. Prepare a lot of light to light brown.
  • Put the caramel lolk or cubes of apples and roast, stirring them, 3-4 minutes.

How can caramelize apples with fragrant spices

You can aromatize apples by preparing them according to any described recipe. To do this, simply sprinkle with vanilla sugar or sinnamine. Do it at the moment when you put apples on a frying pan in a hot caramel. Spice put quite a little bit, so as not to drown out apple fragrance. Fried with caramel, they smell very nice.

Dishes with caramel apples

Where can I use caramelized apples:

  • Serve caramelized apples, putting them into the outlet and decides the ice cream ball.
  • Caramelized apples are perfectly combined with pancakes and muffins.
  • If you are going to put a duck on a festive table, goose or pork buckhenin, then be sure to cook apples to caramel meat.
  • With caramelized apples, a wonderful pie is turned up. For him, first in a pan caramet apples. Without removing fruit out of the form, put on top of apples or ready-made puff pastry, or finely rolled yeast or sandy. If you use puff, then pinched it in several places. Put the frying pan in the hot oven. Becut the cake to the ruddy color of the test. Ready dessert turn over to the dish. You will have a flipper cake with beautiful and delicious caramelized apples from above.

In the video recipe you will see how to caramelize apples correctly, and then do a stunning salad with them.

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