How to replace sweet?

How to replace sweet?

Many of us are difficult to abandon sweets in our diet, but at the same time, I want to adhere to the principles of healthy nutrition. You can do this by replacing cookies, cakes and milk chocolate for more useful and no less tasty products. At first, it will be difficult to go to a new diet, but with time you will still want harmful sweets. If you want to stick to healthy food and enjoy meals, consider suitable products in this article.

Schofructs and nuts

Prunes, raisins, dates, pistachios and peanuts are useful and delicious products that will provide you with the charge of energy for the whole day and become a pleasant dessert in any situation. The coma of that, nuts and dried fruits are rich in minerals, the necessary organism, due to which it allows to improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails. You can use them as follows:

  • You can take nuts and dried fruits as a snack. Among the working day, a small amount of a mixture of dried fruits will allow you to activate mental activity, relieve fatigue and feel in good shape.

  • Dried fruits and nuts will be able to enjoy your breakfast. They can be added to the porridge and in the muesli - so your breakfast will be not only useful, but also delicious. At the same time, it is better to add dried fruits into a ready-made dish so that they do not undergo thermal processing and maintain a maximum of vitamins.
  • With dried fruits and nuts, you can make useful pastries by adding them to the dough. It is first recommended to grind them so that the consistency is homogeneous.
  • If you use natural yogurt, along with nuts and dried fruits, he will be able to replace your sweet dessert.


Honey is a storehouse of useful vitamins and trace elements necessary to maintain our immunity. In addition, honey has pleasant taste and can well replace other desserts to you. Even if you did not like the honey before, try it different types - for example, buckwheat, lime, chestnut acacia and cornflower honey have a completely different shade and fragrance. Honey can be used in the following ways:

  • Honey sandwich will serve as a satisfying breakfast or tasty snack. Honey can be smeared on black or white bread. In addition, you can also eat pancakes, cheesery and pancakes - so any breakfast or afternoon will be dessert for you.

  • You can add honey to porridge and muesli. In addition, he will be perfectly combined with nuts and dried fruits. So you will get a delicious sweet breakfast, saturated with all the necessary useful substances for your energy for the whole day.
  • Many prefer honey in cells - it is possible in itself without any additives. In addition, the cells themselves are also very useful for the body.
  • Honey can be added to tea or morse - this is the best remedy for the treatment and prevention of colds, as well as an excellent useful replacement of sugar for sweet drinks.


Fresh fruit is a delicious dessert and the main source of vitamins. Try to replace sweets on the fruit in your diet - you can use them as follows:

  • Raw fruits in pure form is an excellent addition to breakfast and the best dessert. They contain a lot of useful substances, and also contribute to weight loss. If you do not have enough energy, it is better to replace sweet with bananas. Apples and pears will be especially useful for maintaining the health of teeth, hair, nails and skin. Citrus makes it possible to strengthen the immune system and will avoid influenza and colds.
  • You can add various sliced \u200b\u200bfruits in natural yogurt - so you will get an easy and useful dessert.

  • If you have a juicer at home, you can do natural juices. They will be much more useful than ordinary juices from shops.

Useful sweets

If you can't give up sweet at all, you can try to leave more useful sweets in your diet and eliminate harmful desserts. Consider the following products:

  • Bitter chocolate is a useful product, if you use it in a small amount. At the same time, you should buy high-quality natural chocolate without additives and eat a few pieces per day. Milk chocolate is better to exclude from the diet at all if you want to switch to healthy eating.
  • Marshmallow is another sweetness that will be useful in small quantities. It contains pectin, which is necessary for the health of the body.
  • Creamy ice cream without additives will also be useful, but only if it is natural. The best option will prepare ice cream yourself at home - it is not so difficult, but you can be sure as a product.

Frequent use of milk chocolate, biscuit cakes, waffles and cookies harm health, badly affects skin condition and becomes the cause of overweight. There are many ways to replace harmful sweets in your diet for more useful products. Even if you decide to stick to the diet, you can always find ways to pamper yourself with something delicious.

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