Cupcake with raisins - Classic recipe

Cupcake with raisins - Classic recipe

Cupcake with raisins - simple, satisfying, but tasty delicacy, which is perfectly combined with a cup of coffee or tea. Prepare this dessert can even beginner. The main thing is to comply with the proportions of the ingredients and refer to the process of preparation with love, then any dish will be obtained qualitatively, especially baking. In this article we will imagine you step by step instructions, how to cook a raisin cupcake.

Where and how first began to bake cupcakes?

The cupcake is a cake that occurred not in the USSR, but in the distant past, even in the Middle Ages. Surely, you know that in English there is such a word "Cakes", which means a cake. It has become popular in the XVI century, when he received widespread sugar sand, brought by Americans in England, because they colonized into this country.

Since then, in England, various types of cupcakes with all sorts of fillings were prepared. It can be said that the British used everything that can be so that the biscuit dough for cupcakes was an unusual taste. They added berries, fruits, chocolate, cream. But the cupcakes with raisins in their country did not fit, and in all of Europe too. A raisin cupcake is a dessert that has been and remains very popular desserts in Russia and in many other countries of the former USSR. Next, we will present you a classic recipe for this baking.

Cooking technology with raisins

What products need to be used to bake a raisin cupcake (the amount of ingredients is represented on the cupcake, which is enough for 6 people):

  • 1.5 packaging of butter (you can use a special margarine for baking);
  • 3/4 Sugar glasses;
  • pinch of vanilla sugar and the same amount of salt;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 3/4 cup of flour;
  • 1/2 C.L. dough breakdler;
  • 100 g of raisins.

To prepare a raisin cupcake, you need to observe several stages:

  1. First you need to rinse the raisins, pour it with boiling water, and then dry.
  2. While raisins enhances, do the test. It is necessary to beat the creamy oil with a mixer. Immediately add sugar with salt and vanilla. You must have a lush mass.
  3. As soon as you see a gentle cream in the structure, in which sugar completely dissolved, add eggs to the dough and continue to beat everything.
  4. After that, you need to add flour (it is necessary to sift it in advance) and the baking powder.
  5. At the end of the preparation of the test, it needs to be raisins. At this stage, the dough must be mixed with a regular spoon.
  6. Prepare a form for baking. Take any that you have. It must be lubricated with butter. After that, the dough is laid out in the form for baking.
  7. Heat the oven to 160 °, and then put the cupcake in it to be baked 60-90 minutes (the cooking time will depend on what your oven).
  8. Check the readiness of the cupcake can be very simple - pour it with toothpick. If it is dry, it means that the cupcake is ready.

Ready cupcake can be sprinkled with powdered beauty. Experienced confectioners are recommended to serve a cupcake with raisins chilled - better the day after cooking. Note that the dish is rather calorie. In 100 g of cupca contains 381 calorie.

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