Cheese Cheese Cheese - Classic Recipe

Cheese Cheese Cheese - Classic Recipe

As breakfast, we often serve different sandwiches, scrambled eggs, omelet, forgetting that all these dishes cannot be attributed to healthy food, although it is very nutritious, who gives energy to a person for a whole day. Breakfasts should not only be satisfied, they still have to be useful. One of the options for such breakfast are cheese cheese cheese. In this article we will present you a classic recipe for their preparation.

The history of the occurrence of cheese with cottage cheese

Whether ever thought about why cheesecakes, at the basis of which cottage cheese, are called not "curders", for example. The fact is that cottage cheese is a product that is preparing on the basis of raw milk, which is concerned, turns into a cheese mass. It is her that is used to prepare different dishes, especially creams and desserts. Our Slavic ancestors invented cheesery - pancakes that were preparing on the basis of the skysheld milk and flour. And their milk constantly scooled because it was a lot

There is also another version of the origin of cheesery. Once the Roman merchant was driving home, taking with me milk. The road was long, the weather was hot. Milk Skislo, but the taste of it really liked the merchant. When he arrived home, he gave to try his wife's drink. She saw that at the bottom of the bottle, in which the milk was, there was a sediment, she decided to mix him with flour and prepare something like pancakes. So it turned out cheese.

How to cook cheese cheese cheese in classical technology

Ingredients that will be needed for the preparation of cottage cheesecakes:

  • 500 g of cottage cheese of any fat (you can use home and packed);
  • 1/2 cup of sugar sand;
  • 3 tbsp.l. flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 50 ml of sunflower oil;
  • 50 g vanilla;
  • a pinch of salt.

The process of cooking cheesecakes from cottage cheese mass or cottage cheese:

  1. Pour cottage cheese into some wide plate, break it with a fork and mix with sugar and salt.
  2. After you get a homogeneous mass without lumps, add eggs.
  3. Mixing everything, pour flour into cottage cheese dough. You should get a thick dough, not liquid, otherwise your cheese will not be lush. Therefore, consider if cottage cheese is very watery, then flour may need a little more.
  4. At the very least, add vanilla sugar to the dough, and then wrap it with a food film and leave for 10 minutes to the side.
  5. In a separate container, put a little flour that you will use as a pan.
  6. Moisten your hands in the water and form balls from the curd dough to be cut into flour.
  7. Spit the pan with a non-stick coating, pour some vegetable oil into it.
  8. Put cheesery on the pan and fry them on each side to a golden crust.
  9. Get ready-made cheesecakes from a frying pan and put them on a paper towel so that the glass is superfluous from them.
  10. Prepare a plate for feeding, put cheese on it, which can be decorated with berries, mint, powdered sugar, honey, condensed milk or berry jam. All these additional ingredients will only complement the taste of cheese and their extraordinary fragrance.

Cooking time of cheese products - just 30 minutes. Do not be lazy to wake up early to prepare for your favorite delicious and useful breakfast, which will raise everything and charges energy for a whole working day!

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