Delicious Locker Salad - Classic Recipe

Delicious Locker Salad - Classic Recipe

We are accustomed to every holiday to do the traditional Olivier, but sometimes she wants to try something new, tasty and interesting. Every woman wants to surprise their guests with exquisite dishes. To those concerns and salad "Obzhorka". I must say that this dish is not only delicious, but also very nutritious. In this article we will share with you a wonderful recipe cooking salad "Obzhorka".

Classic salad recipe "Obzhorka"

Nothing could be more delicious salad prepared on the basis of meat and vegetables. His spicy notes will appeal to anyone who decides to cook this dish. So, for the preparation of the classic salad "Obzhorka" prepare a set of products:

  • chicken - 500 g
  • carrots - 2-3 pc.
  • pickles - 2-3 pc.
  • fresh mushrooms - 200-300 g
  • onions - 1 pc. medium size
  • garlic - 1-2 cloves
  • mayonnaise - 4-6 tbsp
  • vegetable oil - 150 ml
  • salt - to taste

When all the ingredients you have on hand, start the cooking process itself a salad:

  1. Let's start with the meat. We wash it under running water, put in a pan, fill with water and put it on the fire to cook until done. It will take 30-40 minutes. During cooking, salt is not forgotten broth taste to the meat has absorbed the desired quantity of salt.
  2. Until the meat is cooked, let us vegetables. First, take the mushrooms and onions. Mushrooms thoroughly washed in water, where it is necessary - to clear. Each fungus is cut in half and then cut into slices. Separately, clean the onions, wash it, cut into 4 pieces and cut into quarter-rings.
  3. In a frying pan pour a little vegetable oil, pour the onion and lightly provyalivayut it. After passirovki onions add to it already sliced \u200b\u200bmushrooms and fry until cooked. During frying, respectively, salt to taste our vegetables. The finished mass is poured into the plate and give cool.
  4. We take our carrot, clean from the peel, mine, and cut straw. After that, we pour it onto the hot frying pan with vegetable oil, fry until readiness. Pour it on a plate lung with a paper towel so that it absorbs the extra oil, which will stand out from carrots after frying.
  5. Next, proceed to the cucumbers. They, as well as carrots, cut with straw, plunge on the lean oil and pour into a plate where they have to cool. With a paper napkin, we rinse the surplus oil after frying.
  6. Boiled meat cut into cubes, pour out to a plate and leave cool.
  7. When all the ingredients have already been cooled, mix them in one large container. Let us squeeze garlic through garlic and mix well all.
  8. At the final stage, add to our almost ready mayonnaise salad and mix once again that all components are uniformly soaked.

This preparation process is over. Now put the salad in the refrigerator, and after a few hours we can taste it. During this time, he is perfectly soaked, and besides, when it is cold, it is much more tastier. Salad can be applied on a shared dish, posing on lettuce leaves. You can also serve portion, giving it a beautiful form - turn on the fantasy, and the "clubhouse" salad will play with new paints.

Tips and recommendations for the preparation of lamp salad "

We will reveal a few secrets that you can come in handy in the process of cooking the lamp salad "

  1. Instead of chicken in a salad, you can use beef or pork, but in this case the meat cooking interval, respectively, will increase. The meat should be boil until it becomes soft, because the hard meat can spoil all the dish.
  2. As for mushrooms, it is preferable to use champignons: first, they are preparing faster, secondly, they are lighter and delicate taste. But if you do not have them, but there are some others, then do not be afraid to experiment, dish in any case you will succeed.
  3. If you do not have fresh mushrooms, and there is dry. Do not forget to prealt them in water, then boil, and then fry.
  4. In no case do not mix all the ingredients with mayonnaise, if they are still warm - the salad can be scaled.
  5. Optionally, garlic from the recipe can be excluded, but with him, of course, the "club" becomes more refined taste.

As can be seen from the article, the "Club" salad is not so complicated in preparation. You only need to clearly follow the presented formulation. Try be sure to cook it for some celebration, and your guests will be delighted with your culinary abilities.

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