Classic anthill recipe with condensed milk

Classic anthill recipe with condensed milk

So it happened that the smell of baking has always been associated with childhood. He is able to carry us into the most young years of our life and the ability to recall every moment to enjoy all sorts of trifles. It's the smell of home warmth and comfort as well as warm and caring mother's hands.

Each of us has a favorite pastries. Today we want to tell you a prescription adored by all children and adults a simple dessert - "Anthill".

Ingredients and preparation of anthill with condensed milk

Dessert simple to prepare, and at the same time incredibly delicious. Ideal for celebrating any feast, or as a meeting of old friends.

  • There are many recipes for this dessert. If you do not have time, you can prepare the biscuit. From this it becomes not a bit worse.
  • For those who like to do everything with their own hands - a classic recipe with pastry.
  • cake fillers can be completely different. You can use the poppy, raisins, dried apricots, dates, figs, candied fruits, prunes, chocolate, coconut, etc.
  • But the cream is used in all cases one - boiled condensed milk and butter.

We invite you to bake a classic "Ant." So, for the preparation of "Anthill" we need:

  • 700-800 g of sifted flour
  • 250 g of cream
  • 300 g butter
  • 7 g of baking powder for the dough soda or slaked
  • 150 g of sugar
  • 1 can of boiled condensed milk

Getting to the preparation of desserts.

  • To begin with sugar mix 150 g butter, pre-heating it to room temperature. It is also necessary to add the sour cream and 5 g of baking powder to the dough or slaked soda. All mix thoroughly. You can use a mixer.
  • This mixture is gradually adding flour. According to consistency, the dough should be thick and not to pester hands. The finished dough should be skipped through the meat grinder and gently lay out on the baking sheet, pre-fitted with paper baking.
  • Bake in the oven until golden color.

Preparation of anthill cream with condensed milk

For the preparation of cream, we will need the remaining 150 g of butter, boiled condensed milk, a mixer or a whipping mixer.

  • So, in a small container, we whip the butter, pre-warming it to room temperature. Gradually pour condensed milk. When the consistency becomes an air - the cream is ready.
  • Baked korzh first we cool to room temperature, after which it crumbling it into small pieces.
  • Next, mix the crumb with a pre-cooked cream.
  • And now all this mixture is laying on a large flat plate or slide dish, tightly pressing on all sides so that the design visually resembles an anthill.
  • By the way, that the cream is less sticking to their hands better to moisten.
  • For a more realistic image of an anthill, a dessert can be sprinkled with coconut or chocolate chips, poppies, crushed candies, pickens, prunes, etc.
  • To make the kids in cream and simply melted in the mouth, the "anthill" should be left in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.
  • And one more little secret - so that the cake is truly fabulous, you need not to regret the cream, for lubrication. The more cream, the sweeter and more gentle "anthill".

As you can see to prepare an "anthill" not necessarily possess some unreal culinary abilities. It is enough to make a droplet of effort, a little patience and you will definitely delight your relatives and close to the tasty and original dessert. Bon Appetit everyone!

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