Dessert Panakota - Classic Recipe

Dessert Panakota - Classic Recipe

A panookota is a dessert that comes from Italy. Confectiones of the whole world recommend it to eat in the roast heat, because it turns out very light, air and unusually tasty. If you want to please yourself in summer with something sweet, then you will not find anything better than a panookota. For those who follow their figure, a panookota is also suitable. Classic recipe for this sweetness We will present in detail you in this article.

The history of the Italian dessert "Panakota"

Panacoto invented Piedmont's confectioners located in the northern part of the Apennine Peninsula. If literally translate the word "panicota" from Italian, then we will get the phrase "boiled cream". It was this ingredient that was one of the main components of the preparation of this dessert. In addition to cream, used as well:

  • decoction of fish bones, which was used as a means that can be gel;
  • honey;
  • vanilla.

All these ingredients were mixed with each other and jammed like cream-brule on a water bath. Hot Panacot did not serve. It was necessarily styled, and after that they just talked to her under a glass of red wine.

There are several other versions of the origin of the panacot:

  1. Dessert was invented randomly by Hungarian, which simply overheated cream with milk.
  2. Panakota is a kind of Bavarian cream.
  3. A panoccota is a kind of blasting, which is prepared on the basis of non-almond milk, and a cow.

What of the above versions to believe is a personal matter of each. However, the classic Panacote preparation recipe is only one. We will imagine it in detail below.

Classic Cooking Recipe for Italian Panachota

Ingredients that will be needed to prepare dessert:

  • 250 ml of oily cream;
  • 250 ml of fatty milk;
  • 80 g of sugar;
  • 15 g gelatin;
  • vanilla sugar is literally pinch.

The process of cooking a panatic at home according to the classic recipe:

  1. First you need to dissolve gelatin. Just pour the amount specified above the amount of gelatin 50 ml of water and put it on the water bath.
  2. In a separate scenery it is necessary to mix all other ingredients. Put it on the middle fire so that the milk mass is heated, and the cream completely dissolved in milk. In no case do not allow the mass to boil.
  3. Remove the milk mass from the fire and cool. As soon as she cools, pour gelatin into it.
  4. Mix everything well, and then burst into the molds and place in a cold place for 60 minutes so that the panicota froze.

In essence, all. After 1 hour you will get a panacot and you can already eat it by adding a berry jelly, chocolate or any other topper that you like.

As you can see, the preparation of Italian panacotes takes only 20 minutes. You just need to wait after that, while the dessert freezes. From the number of ingredients we specified, you can prepare at least 6 servings of sweets. The caloric content of this dish per 100 g is only 180 calories. You can't eat a lot of panacotes because of its illness and fatness, but the pleasure will get extraordinary.

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