Charpeck Classic Pie Recipe

Charpeck Classic Pie Recipe

Charlotte, Probably the simplest pie that has really exquisite taste. The combination of soft dough and baked apples can not leave indifferent even those "who are not sweet." In this article, let's talk about the charlotte, and also imagine its step-by-step recipe in classical execution.

What started?

"Grandma" of today's quarreling was white bread with custard, fruit and liqueur. After it was considered an upgraded version of the English pudding, which is hot. The view in which we are accustomed to see this cake, the charlotte obtained at the beginning of the XIX century thanks to the French cook, which was in the service of Tsar Alexander I. called this cake with "apple grandmother". But her name is a charlotka, received Charlot from Queen, his wife George III, who was just in love with this dessert.

Products for cooking classic quarreling

The quarreling does not require a large list of ingredients, of which it turns out light, loose, fluffy dough, filled with a maximum of filling. Here is a list of products that are necessary for classic quarreling.

  • Five chicken eggs.
  • One cup of sugar.
  • One glass of flour.
  • Soda 1/2 ch l.
  • Apples for filling.

As for the last product, it should be noted that the most "effectful" fit into the overall taste gamut apples of acid varieties, such as Antonovka. They exceed the sweetness of the dough, making this cake truly aristocratic.

Step-by-step instruction of creating classic quarreling

Because the pie is done very quickly, then before starting "tackle" with the test, turn on the oven for warming up. The temperature in it should reach 180 C. Now we will return to the dessert.

  1. Divide the proteins and yolk yolks in two tanks.
  2. Squirrels cool and gradually adding sugar to beat them into a cool foam.
  3. Yolks to rub. It is best to work with a warm product.
  4. Gently interfering with a protein foam in yolks.
  5. Add soda and flour to enter little by little, in order to "not score" the dough.
  6. Forms lubricate by vegetable oil. Pour half of the prepared dough to the bottom.
  7. Put apples cut by slices. Those who love spices can slightly sprinkle with cinnamon apples. If you have sour variety apples, then additionally sprink apples with sugar sand.
  8. Over pour the remaining dough.
  9. The oven is already heated. Now you should put the shape into it and bake a charlottery for 25 minutes.

Quickness recipes set. Today it is prepared with different fillings. No less popular fillings from plums, pears, apricot and even cherries. But according to the statements of gourmets a better combination than with apples not to find. You choose the recipe that is most appropriate for your family. Pleasure close desserts and pleasant appetite.

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