Tsvetaevsky Apple Pie - Step-by-Step Recipe

Tsvetaevsky Apple Pie - Step-by-Step Recipe

Tsvetaevsky apple pie - from one name I want to run more and cook this delicacy. And however, why exactly Tsvetaevsky? There is no reliable answer to this question, however there is an assumption that the name of your apple pie got from the genus the color, who loved and often baked him. In this material, we will look at the recipe for a delicious cake.

Tsvetaevsky Apple Pie - Step-by-Step Recipe

However, leave the story behind and proceed to the preparation of this delicious cake, which by the word in the baking rating of this species takes 2nd place, yielding only a charlottery.

In order to prepare a Tsvetaevsky apple pie We will need:

  • 100 g of butter (cake will be tastier if it is oil that is added to it, but if it did not turn out of this ingredient, boldly use margarine)
  • Fullack of sour cream
  • 2 cups of flour
  • 2 tsp Busty

In addition to the cake, we need to prepare the ingredients for the filling. For this we take:

  • A glass of sour cream (better to take fat)
  • A glass of sand sugar
  • 1 chicken egg
  • One and a half hours Vanilla sugar
  • 1 tbsp. flour
  • 500 g of fresh apples (keep in mind that from the variety and sweetness of the apples depends on how much the cake will be sweet)

Well, if everything you need at hand - proceed to the preparation of the dough:

  1. The first thing to do is to sift flour. Do not ignore this procedure, because not sifted flour can be with lumps.
  2. Next, mix flour with a baking powder.
  3. We take a deep plate and add to it sour cream with butter (it is desirable that it is slightly applied).
  4. Now it will be necessary to make this mixture of homogeneous, you can use a mixer or conventional fork.
  5. Let's gradually add flour and start kneading the dough.
  6. Take the shape for baking and add the finished dough.

Go to the preparation of delicious filling:

  1. To begin with, it will be necessary to wash apples and wipe them away from moisture.
  2. Next, we remove all the bones and core from the apples.
  3. Apples cut thin pieces.
  4. Then I spread the whole filling on the cake. Make sure that the filling is distributed evenly, otherwise the cake will burst unevenly.
  5. Next, you should take a deep plate and add sour cream there.
  6. Pour sand and vanilla sugar into a plate with sour cream and carefully whipped the resulting mixture. Add an egg there and beat again.
  7. Gradually add flour to the mix, not forgetting to stir. Do not allow lumps.
  8. Now you should pour apples with a mixture of a plate. After the whole mixture was poured, a little shame with an almost ready-made pie for uniform spreading sour cream over the surface of the dough with apples.
  9. Before you set the form, you will need to heat the oven to 180 ° C. This can be done both before the start of the cooking of the test and after, at the time of heating the oven, the form can be put in the refrigerator. After the oven boils, put the cake oven and wait about 50 minutes.
  10. Ready pie to serve on a dessert in cold or warm form.

Apple pie is a favorite dessert not only children, but also adults. He gained particular popularity through ease of preparation and economy.

Tsvetaeva Apple Pie is an improved version of the usual quarreling, which is perfect for both ordinary family tea drinking, and for feeding on a festive table. As you yourself were able to make sure there is nothing complicated in the preparation of delicacy, so we advise you to be sure to try this goody.

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