Hinkali in Georgian, recipe

Hinkali in Georgian, recipe

Hinki - one of their delicious Georgian dishes. Juicy and fragrant filling that is felt at first bite, will not leave anyone indifferent. Prepare such a dish is possible at home, but to achieve the original taste, it is necessary to strictly adhere to technology and recipe.

Hinkali in Georgian - Features of preparation and products

To learn how to prepare a delicious dish should take into account the basic rules not only for cooking, but also preparation of products.

  • The main meat for traditional chinki - lamb. You can also use beef and pork. The best option for grinding meat - cutting. But if you use a meat grinder, then turn it on to a major grinding and do not interrupt meat again.
  • An important ingredient for minced meas is Georgian spices. They make the dish expressive and original. Do not underestimate seasonings and spices.
  • Since the star of the dish is a meat filling, the dough for Hinking is simple. Therefore, for its kneading, flour with water and salt is used.
  • Raw chinkly, as a rule, first boiled in water with salt and laurel sheet. Also, if you wish, after cooking, the dish can be fused on any oil.
  • The dish is necessarily served with sharp sauce and a large amount of greenery. If the sauce is not enough, then the dish is sprinkled with spices.

For test prepare such products:

  • wheat flour - 2 tbsp.;
  • boiled water - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • sea salt - pinch.

For the filling you will need:

  • minced meat or meat - 750 gr.;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • meat broth or boiled water - 80 ml.;
  • sour cream - 150 gr.;
  • any greens - 1 beam;
  • garlic - 3 tooth.;
  • salt with spices - at its discretion.

Hinkali in Georgian - Zam Test

Although the products for the dough are simple, it is necessary to correct it correctly. To do this, alternately follow all the actions described.

  • Wheat flour choose the highest grade. Even if you bought it in a pack, ask for flour several times. This process leaves large particles and trash, and also enrich the flour with oxygen.
  • Personal flour into a large container so that it is convenient to knead the dough. Make a small deepening and pour salt.

  • Water boost and slightly cool down. You can use filtered water, but only warming it. Pour liquid into flour with small parts during the kneading test.

  • Then knew the dough well. It should not stick to hand. But at the same time, be elastic and soft. Flour can be added to the test if it sticks to the hands, but only a small amount. The dough should not break, otherwise during the cooking filling follows.

  • After the knead, it is necessary to leave the dough to rest. Cover the tank with a napkin or towel. If you are going to immediately use the dough, then leave it to fit on the table. Also, such a dough can be stored in the refrigerator up to 3 days.

  • After half an hour, wash the dough again and cut a third from the total piece. Put flour on the surface of the table. Roll the dough better than the rolling pin.

  • Each piece of dough must be rolled out into a subtle plate, the height of which should not be more than 2 mm. But too, too thin dough should not be done, otherwise it grows during cooking.

  • Hinki have a large size, therefore, as a round basis, take a gland or saucer. The size of each pellet should be about 12 cm. Cut from the test at once all the workpieces, pour them out with flour.

Hinkali in Georgian - Cooking minced

  • Special attention is paid to the meat stuffing for bags. It is best to use fresh meat. If you failed to buy lamb, then take beef. It is allowed to mix different meat.
  • Wash a whole piece of meat, dry. Cut the veins and fat and cut meat into small pieces. Green rinse, leek clean from husk.

  • Skip through a large meat grinder meat, greens with onions. Alternate the ingredients among themselves to get a homogeneous mass.

  • In the minced mend, add chopped garlic and all the necessary spices. Although the chinkali will be cooked in salted water, the meat mixture also needs to be salted.
  • Mix minced hands thoroughly. At the same time, it should be discarded: with effort let go of a small piece of minced meat on the bottom of the tank.

  • Add a warm broth or water to the finished mixture. Then mix the mince well again, put it in a cool place for 20-30 minutes. After that, again, hind it. Now mince is ready to use.

Hinkali in Georgian - formation of a bag

Now the most responsible moment comes when cooking is the creation of a bag. It is he who forms a view of a dish.

  • To the center of the circle from the test you must lay out mince in the form of a slide. This is usually a tablespoon of the filling, but do not forget that it is necessary to leave a place in the broth's bag.

  • One edge of the test lift upstairs and start forming folds from the dough. Cress them between themselves as close as possible so that the juice and the filling can not find out the bag.

  • The perfect number of folds - 36, but for beginners is allowed 15 pieces.

  • Ends The bag is connected together and slightly delay up, forming a nodule. If the test is left on top, then it is cut off. But at the same time leave the tail - it is necessary to take a chinkie for it.

  • Bags with filling shock on a tray with flour. But do not hold them for a long time, otherwise the dough softens from the broth.

Hinkali in Georgian - Features of cooking and filing

  • For cooking, boil the water in a large container. Bags love space, so a large amount of liquid is necessary. Also boil the dish with small portions. Water spray, add a bay leaf.

  • After baking the water, reduce the fire and for the upper part alternately put in boiling water Hincali. During cooking, they cannot be interfered.
  • Boil Hinki about 15 minutes or until they pop up.

  • Then gently get them noise from the water and put a new portion for cooking.

  • Channels are served warm abundantly sprinkled with greens and spices. Eating this dish with hands.

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