How to make a dough

How to make a dough

Good baking should be delicious and gentle. The dough can be two species: on yeast or fresh, without yeast. The main components of successful baking can be such products: chicken eggs, vegetable oil, margarine, milk, kefir, egg powder, dried fruits, nuts, poppy, sugar, honey, and so on. The bakery products will become an excellent addition to tea, please be loved by their unique taste. In order to baking i managed, it will be necessary To knead the quality dough.

How to make a dough on milk

Recipe ingredients:

  • Wheat flour - 2 kg.
  • Chicken Eggs - 3 pCS.
  • Fresh milk - 0.5 liters.
  • Pressed yeast - 70 g.
  • Creamy oil - 170 g.
  • Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 1. cup.
  • Sugar Vanilla - 10 g.
  • Salt - 1 tsp.

Cooking process:

  • Wheat flour 1 kg is sieved. For cooking, 1 tbsp is separated for cooking. Sugar, Warm Water 1 cup and yeast 70 g. 1 Glass of water It is heated to a state of slightly above room temperature, yeast and 1 tsp. Sahara. Water is poured into flour and mix until homogeneous. Now the opara needs to stand in warm and worry. Fermentation time 2 hours. Opara will increase several times, it means that it is ready.
  • Creamy oil should be melt on fire in a saucepan. Milk, sugar ordinary and vanilla, salt rolled over the oil. During heating, the mixture is interferes until complete dissolution. You can not bring to a boil.
  • In a large plate, chicken eggs and dairy mixture are whipped in a whisk. Now the opara is mixed with the milk mixture. The remaining flour is added and is mixed on the board.
  • The dough needs to wash the board. By time, it will take about 20 minutes. Good dough soft, homogeneous, does not stick to the hands. The bowl is lubricated with vegetable oil, the dough is placed in a bowl and is left to an increase in volume. After that, the dough is considered ready to further use the recipe.

How to make a dough on kefir

Recipe ingredients:

  • Wheat flour - 1800
  • Kefir - 1 l.
  • Fresh yeast - 100 g ..
  • Saletz - 100 g
  • Butter - 100 g
  • Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp.
  • Molotai turmeric - 1/2 C.L.
  • Salt - 1 tsp.
  • Sugar - 2. glasses.

Cooking process:

  • Fresh yeast will crumble in a bowl, 4 tbsp. Sahara. The ingredients are rubbed while yeast is not melted. Kefir is heated, so as not to determine and pours out the yeast.
  • 1 cup Wheat flour is necessarily sieved before the preparation of the test. This process removes extra garbage, bugs, also saturates oxygen flour.
  • The sifted flour gradually falls out into the kefir mass and is mixed up to homogeneity, the absence of lumps. The tank with the jar retraced in a warm place for 20 minutes., It is possible near the furnace or gas stove. Opara should rise.
  • Creamy oil melts along with a siblot in a pan. After the layout rose, added The remaining sugar, melted warm butter and saber, salt.
  • The opara is well mixed with a spoon, the sifted wheat flour and hammering of turmeric gradually sweep. The best spices are absorbed in the test, the taste and smell remain. A spoon is used while the dough is liquid and sticks hard to fingers. In order to reduce sticking is added vegetable oil.
  • Qualitatively mixed dough should be soft, elastic, uniform. Mixing time 20 min. The mixed dough is placed in a bowl that is pre-lubricated by vegetable oil from sticking. The dough is placed in heat, at the expense of which increases by 2 times. After it is suitable for the first time, the dough is mixed again and placed in heat to the lift. Now you can do filling.

Many since childhood fell in love with fresh baking flavors. Favorite mothers and grandmothers were engaged in the art of baking so often. In order to get a good result after long cooking, you need to try to do everything correctly, following a proven recipe. With the help of a dough baked amazing pies, caravas, buns, croissants, pizza, cakes. As stuffing for the dough, a plum, an apple, apricot, peach and other goodies are used. For sunpitches, the glaze, cinnamon, sesame, vanilla, seeds, chocolate. The powder is added to improve the appearance of baking and taste diversity.

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