How to cook Hinkie

How to cook Hinkie

Khinkali is a traditional Georgian dish that every hostess can prepare. Cooking Hinki - real art and very exciting process. How to make chinkially, read about all the intricacies of the process further.

Secrets of cooking Hinki

Ingredients for Georgian dishes are the same as for the preparation of dumplings. It takes meat, water, flour for dough and knowledge to prepare a delicious dish.

What you need to know:

  • The dough is prepared in several stages, carefully puts out so that it turned out soft, elastic and did not rush.
  • While the dough is resting, you can do the preparation of meat. The meat on the minced meat is not twisted on the meat grinder, and cut the sharp knife to small pieces. The traditional filling of Hinkali is lamb, and variations from lamb and pork are possible. And if this type of meat is not, then pork is used with beef. Onions - the mandatory ingredient in mince, but it is also undesirable to grind in the meat grinder. We'll have to chop with a knife. Then you can count on a juicy dish. Mainstanding stuffing is enriched with seasonings: it is kinza, mint, dill and parsley.
  • How to sculpt: The process of modeling the occupation is very fascinating. You need to roll out the test layer (thickness 5 cm), cut the mugs with a glass, roll out the rolling pin (up to 15 cm). In the middle is laid out stuffing, and then you need to make your fingers dough and lift up to get a bag. Ideal and real chinkly have exactly 36 folds. This is the top of the skill of cooking chinki. For the first time, about 20 folds will be enough. Turn the dough tightly so that the chinkly remain juicy and the juice does not disk when boiling. By the way, the filling needs to be put too much so that there was a free place in the bag.
  • Cooking in a large saucepan with small parties. It is important that the container was enough space. As a rule, chinkali during cooking is not stirred, but only shake the pan so that they do not stick to the bottom of the tank. If it is so hard to adapt, then you can very carefully move the chinkly with a wooden spatula. Water should not be very brown, otherwise the bags are flawed. Cooking camerge about 20 minutes.
  • What to serve? Changing hot, thick sprinkling with black ground pepper. The devices are not provided, because Hinkali is taken by hand. First, a small piece is biteled so that the juice does not output, then the residue is eaten.

How to make Hinkali

To make the dough correctly, you will need:

  • 3 cups of flour;
  • egg;
  • 2 tablespoons of oil;
  • 1.5 glasses of water;
  • 1 teaspoon salt.

For minced meat:

  • 700 g of lamb;
  • 300 g beef;
  • 2 bulbs;
  • cinse bundle;
  • salt with herbs.

How to knead the dough:

  • Flour (half of the portion) needs to be sifted through the sieve right on the table, shape the ride with palms, make a hole to pour oil and egg. Butter is best to take olive.
  • The dough is noticed slowly, the salted water gradually becomes gradually. Water should be cold. The dough will first be soft, pliable.
  • It must be covered with a clean cotton cloth, leave half an hour.
  • The rest of the flour is then added, the dough is launched again for 7-10 minutes, then rest again - 30 minutes.
  • The dough is rejected again to the state of elasticity, so as not to stick to the hands. If it is lipnet, you can add quite a bit of flour.
  • The dough can be made in advance, stored in a plastic bag in the refrigerator up to 3 days.

How to make Hinki:

  • Meat, onions and greens need to be chopped by a knife, trig out a mixture of salt with spices, mix. If the minced is dense, add 100 ml of water. Water is topped with small portions, stirring stuffing.
  • No subtle reservoir rolls out of the dough, mugs are squeezed.
  • In the middle of each rolled rolling pin mug placed 1 tbsp. filling. Khinkali is protected gradually, scrolling in a circle, forming folds.
  • Boiled chinkly in water with salt adding for 15 minutes in small batches.

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