Cake with cabbage in haste: Recipe

Cake with cabbage in haste: Recipe

If after cooking borsch you have a little fresh cabbage left, then prepare a pie from it in a habit. It will not need to knead the dough, because the pie will be bulk.

Curriculus products with cabbage in haste

You will need the following products:

  • 500 g of busy cabbage;
  • 100 g of butter;
  • 2 pinches of salt;
  • on the tip of a knife of ground pepper;
  • 3 pcs. eggs;
  • 1/2 cup of sour cream;
  • 6 tbsp. flour;
  • 2 tsp baking powder for the dough.

In this recipe, part of the cabbage can be replaced with grated fresh carrots. Instead of half of butter, the same amount of margarine is quite suitable, better than creamy. And if desired, you can add a handful of any spicy greens to the filling (dill, parsley, celery). Do not forget to chop the greens.

How to cook a cabbage pie in haste

Start by turning on the oven - let it heat up to 200 degrees. Now take care of the pie:

  • Slide the cabbage with a pinch of salt and pepper. Add carrots and greens to it. Mix everything thoroughly.
  • Put the filling in a small baking dish with high sides. A layer of cabbage should be 1.5-2 cm.
  • In a microwave or in a water bath, melt the entire butter or its mixture with margarine.
  • With melted oil, evenly fill the cabbage.
  • Make a liquid dough from eggs, sour cream, baking powder of dough, a second pinch of salt and flour. Use a mixer or a manual whipping corolla. The dough should turn out to be homogeneous and without a single lump. By consistency, it will remind you of a thick sour cream.
  • Pour all the dough into cabbage, but do it with a spoon. You can evenly distribute the dough over the entire surface of the filling.
  • Put the shape with the future pie in the preheated oven.
  • Bake the pie for 30 or 40 minutes until the upper crust is rosy. Check the readiness with a wooden toothpick - when pulled out of the pie, it should be dry.
  • Remove the finished pie from the oven and immediately put it on the dish. If you leave it in shape, then the pie will dive and it will not look very appetizing.
  • Cut the pie with cabbage in portions and serve hot or cold. Sweet strong tea, sour cream or milk are suitable for this pie.

How else can you cook a cabbage pie in haste

Buy in advance in cooking a yeast dough and divide it into portions of 500 g. Put the dough in the freezer. You can also stock up on yeast puff pastry, which is sold already frozen. Keep him in the freezer. When you are going to make a quick pie, then take out the dough out of the freezer in one hour so that it thaws.

While the dough comes, prepare the filling:

  • Chop cabbage, onions and carrots. In total, you should get 500-600 grams.
  • Turn all together on two tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  • Put a little salt, spicy dry herbs, a spoonful of thick tomato paste in the filling.
  • While the filling cools, roll out half the dough and lay it on a greased baking sheet.
  • According to the test, distribute cabbage filling evenly. Cover it with the second half of the dough, also thinly rolled.
  • Pin the edge of the pie. In the middle in the test, make a small hole - steam will go through it.
  • Lubricate the pie with whipped raw yolk.
  • While the pie is suitable, heat the oven to 195-205 degrees.
  • Bake the pie until cooked. It will take from 30 to 40 minutes.

And another small addition. Cabbage goes very well with mushrooms and eggs. They can be added to any filling, after boiling the eggs to a steep state, and mushrooms - frying in oil. We also offer you to watch a video recipient of a cabbage pie on kefir, to which the hostess also adds cheese.

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Bonita 03/03/2019 at 23:16

in the multicooker Redmond on baking, I cook, gorgeous cabbage pies are obtained


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