How to make candy at home

How to make candy at home

Candy lovers do not always guess from what manufacturers make their favorite sweets. But if adults can feel their favorite delicacy without fears, the children's body can suffer a little from all sorts of synthetic components. If you have repeatedly asked how to make candies of self-useful ingredients, then this selection of delicious recipes is for you.

How to make candy "dried fruit assortment"

Sweets from dried fruits are surprised by their variety of tastes and extraordinary benefits for the body. They can no doubt, even if you are on a diet.

List of ingredients:

  • Kuraga - 350
  • Prunes - 220 g
  • Nut mix - 1 cup.
  • Chocolate - 1 tile.
  • Butter cream - 45
  • Honey - 50 g.

How to cook:

  • Dried fruits pour boiling water for 30 seconds, then drain the liquid and let them dry completely. This process will help clean the dried fruits from dirt and bacteria.
  • When dried fruits become dry, scroll through the meat grinder (you can use a blender).
  • Nuts are slightly dry in a pan (without oil!), Then grind them into a blender or cut into pieces.
  • Now mix the nuts, puree from dried fruits and honey. You must have a lot of thick consistency.
  • From the resulting mass, blind random bulbs.
  • Now on the steam bath melt chocolate with butter.
  • Now you can pour candies with chocolate glaze or completely dip in the mass with a tablespoon.
  • It is necessary to store such a delicacy in the refrigerator no more than 4 days.

The view of dried fruits can be changed at wisdom. In this recipe, the dried cranberries and blue raisins will fit harmoniously.

How to make candy "Rafaello at home"

If you are a fan of coconut chips and almonds, you can prepare an analogue of the shop rafaello in your kitchen.

You will need:

  • Almond - 175
  • Condensed milk - 350 g.
  • Coconut chips - 300 g
  • White chocolate - 175
  • Creamy oil -350
  • Vanilla Sugar - 18

Cooking process:

  • Put in the bowl of the blender soft oil, condensed milk and 100 g of coconut chips, as well as vanilla sugar. Let all go and remove in the refrigerator for 24 hours.
  • When the mass is ready, you need to prepare and chocolate: melt it on low heat or in the microwave.
  • Now you choose the oil mass, put the almond nut in the center and form a neat ball.
  • Then each Raphaelka must be immersed in chocolate and rolling in coconut chips.
  • Now it remains to wait until chocolate hardens and can enjoy sweets.

Optionally, you can use black chocolate and multicolored coconut.

How to make candy "Honey Irishi"

Soft dairy iris from home products will definitely replace the store version of these candies.

Prepare such products:

  • Sugar - 3 glasses.
  • Milk - 2 glasses.
  • Honey - 6 tbsp. l.
  • Oil - 55 g
  • Lemon acid - 1 tsp.

Preparation steps:

  • Choose a pan with a thick bottom, pour the milk there and boil it.
  • Then send to the milk oil and sugar, and boil the mass until it starts thick.
  • Now pour citric acid and pour honey. Cook the mass of half an hour until it darkens.
  • Lubricate the mold with oil, fill it with a welded mass and put it in the refrigerator.

Recipes of domestic candies are actually a lot and you can cook a whole sweet table for a holiday or just please your relatives with original sweets. Most recipes consist of simple products, so you will definitely find what you will like.

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