Honey with nuts and dried fruits - recipe

Honey with nuts and dried fruits - recipe

In the period of colds and viral diseases, it is important to eat various vitamin mixtures to strengthen the immunity, and it also helps enrich the body with vitamins and useful trace elements. Of course, it is better to strengthen immunity with the help of folk methods and means, for example, one of the most effective and beneficial is considered a mixture of honey with nuts and dried fruits.

The benefits of the mixture of nuts, dried fruits and honey

Thanks to such ingredients, it is possible not only to strengthen the immunity, but also to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood. A mixture of nuts and honey charges energy for a whole day, useful for the cardiovascular system, because Dried fruits are rich in potassium, activates the brain's work.

To prepare a useful mixture, you can select completely different components, each of which is useful in its own way for the body, for example:

  • The kuraga helps to cleanse the vessels, thereby contributes to the normalization of the heart of the heart, has a positive effect on digestion.
  • Prunes stabilizes the pressure and work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Raisins strengthens the immune system, helps the body fight with colds and viral diseases.
  • Nuts, thanks to its chemical composition, activate the work of the brain, enrich the body with the necessary minerals and unsaturated acids, it is necessary to consume to be used to prevent hypertension and atherosclerosis.
  • Brazilian nut and pecan, which contain selenium, are considered a prophylactic product against cancer.
  • Honey is a preventive and stimulating agent, and for a mixture with nuts and dried fruits is a preservative.

How to get a useful product?

Dried fruits and nuts will be needed by 200 g, as well as:

  1. Liquid honey - 1 cup
  2. Prunes
  3. Raisin
  4. Dried apricots
  5. Blend of nuts
  6. Lemon - 1 pc.


  • Dried fruits rinse well and soak approximately 10 minutes. in hot water.
  • Nuts bake at 180 ° C, for 5 minutes. From peanuts you need to remove the husk.
  • Honey is needed liquid if he snapped, it should be heated in a water bath to a liquid state. The main thing is not to redeem honey, because When thermal processing, the product loses its useful properties.
  • Lemon wash and remove bones.
  • Optionally, you can add dates, figs or some ginger.
  • Dry dried fruits dried with a towel. In a blender or meat grinder to place everything except honey. The resulting mixture is mixed with honey, put into jars with a dense lid for storage in the refrigerator.

The vitamin mixture is cooked quite quickly and stored for a long time, the main thing to protect it from the effects of sun rays and air from entering the container in which it will be stored.

Eating a fruit and nut mix with honey

  • Since honey with nuts and dried fruits is a rather calorie mixture, and in large quantities can cause an allergic reaction, it is not necessary to abuse the product.
  • The daily dose should not exceed 4 tbsp. To strengthen the immunity and prevention of diseases, it is enough to use the product 3 times a day of 1 tbsp. An hour before meals.
  • The vitamin mixture saturates the body with energy and gives strength, it is not necessary to use it for the night, because insomnia can manifest. Also, it is not recommended to give for children to 3 years, and older children are just 1 tsp. per day.
  • The mixture is contraindicated to people with the problems of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetics and asthmatics, and also do not use the product to people with individual intolerance of honey.

Such a mixture is recommended for people with low immunity, athletes, as well as people involved in severe physical labor. But before taking a vitamin complex regularly, it is worth consulted with a doctor and make sure that you have no contraindications or individual intolerance to any component.

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