What is used walnut

What is used walnut

Walnut is a satisfying and useful product that must be present in your diet. From this article you can find out what nutrients are part of walnut, why they are important for health, as well as what tasty and nutritious dishes can be prepared with walnut for any occasion.

What substances rich walnuts?

Walnuts used since ancient times not only for food, but also for the treatment and prevention of various diseases, because it contains a lot of substances necessary for the body. In particular, this product is ideal for snacking between the case, and can also be perfectly complemening your breakfast.

Walnut is a storehouse of important and unique substances. In it you will find both vitamins and fats, and trace elements. That is why it is useful to everyone and helps from many ailments. The composition of walnut includes the following substances:

  • Vitamins of group B, A and E, necessary to maintain the immunity and health of the skin, hair and nails.
  • Beta carotene, which is a strong natural antioxidant.
  • Calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, iodine, sulfur and other trace elements participate in key chemical reactions occurring in the body: in particular, they stimulate mental activity and maintain good health.
  • Required fatty acids, especially necessary in the winter period. They support health and well-being.
  • The fiber is another important being. It gives a sense of satiety for a long time, allows you to establish digestive processes, so it is especially suitable for people who observe the diet.
  • Walnut is a good source of protein. It should be unambiguously included in the diet of vegetarians.

What is the use of walnut?

Walnuts are recommended to eat 7 cores per day to ensure their charges of cheerfulness, strong immunity and health of the whole organism. Indeed, just a few nuts in the daily diet makes it possible to prevent many ailments or even get rid of them. Consider what useful for the body this product with its rich chemical composition:

  • Suitable for the prevention of heart disease and vessels. It has a beneficial effect on the state of the vessels walls, improves the composition of the blood, and also contributes to the normalization of blood pressure. Doctors strongly recommend people prone to problems with the cardiovascular system, include walnuts in their diet.
  • Thanks to phosphorus and calcium, walnuts are perfectly strengthened bone tissue. Therefore, they will especially be useful to growing children or older people when the bones become more fragile. With such a property, walnuts can partially replace in the diet of dairy products.
  • Walnut prevents cataract and arthritis due to the high content of vitamin E.
  • Having in its composition potassium, walnut is beneficial on the nervous system, improves blood flow and promotes muscle development.
  • Walnut is a calorie product that will provide you with energy for the whole day. At the same time, you will not recover from its use - rather, on the contrary, it helps to lose weight.
  • Walnut is effective in the treatment and prevention of certain diseases of the thyroid gland.
  • Substances in the composition of walnuts perfectly affect the work of the brain, help to intensify mental activity and stimulate memory. The product is indispensable when studying or work.

What is the walnut with?

Walnut is an excellent feed breakfast and a delicious snack. You can use it daily as follows:

  • Instead of crackers or chips, it will be much more useful to arrange a snack in the middle of a mixture of dried fruits and nuts. Choose everything you have to taste - dates, kuraga, figs, prunes or raisins. Dried fruits are perfectly complemented by nuts and provide a full-fledged snack.
  • Walnuts can be eating with honey - such a dessert will not leave indifferent sweet fans, but only benefits the body, unlike cakes and chocolate. Suitable for people who hold diet, as well as for children.
  • You can add walnuts in baking. So many croissants or cupcakes have nuts in their recipe - so you can make homemade baking even more delicious and useful.
  • Walnuts are an important ingredient in many recipes Soup Harcho. Indeed, nuts exceed the taste of this dish and additionally enrich it with vitamins and microelements.
  • For breakfast, there is a porridge, and with the addition of nuts, it can become even more delicious and useful. Nuts can be combined with honey and dried fruits - so any porridge will acquire a unique taste.

Walnut is important in the diet of every person. It has a beneficial effect on the work of the whole organism, allows you to improve well-being, strengthen the immune system and prevent many diseases. You can include walnut in your diet in different ways - it perfectly complements many dishes, and is also quite an independent snack. If you think about healthy eating, walnut must be standing daily.

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