What is Churchhel

What is Churchhel

Churchhel is the natural oriental sweetness that is prepared from grape juice and nuts. Churchhel is a traditional dish in Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan, but it is possible to try it not only in the Caucasus: Everywhere Churchhel is sold at the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory, as well as in many other cities of Russia. From this article you can find out what happened Churchhel and how to cook it.

What is Churchhel?

Churchhel is a long thin sausage from thick frozen juice. Inside the churchhel, nuts strung on a fine thread. Usually use walnuts, although other options are also possible. Traditionally churchhel make precisely from grape juice - in this case it turns out dark brown. Nevertheless, now for a more attractive appearance, Churchhel began to produce from the juices of other fruits.

Churchhel is an excellent dessert for those who follow the figure, because it is completely natural: juice and nuts are quite dietary delicacy. In addition, nuts give a lot of energy, so Churchhel is perfect for fast snack during the day.

What happens churchhel?

Now Churchhel is prepared not only from grape juice. There are other varieties. Colors using the juice of other fruits are obtained brighter and attractive, and taste is also different. The following varieties of Churchhel are popular:

  • Pomeant churchhel has a bright red color.
  • Churchhel with apple juice has a light amber color, sometimes with a green tint.
  • Apricot Churchhel has a rich orange color.
  • Classical grape churchhel light chocolate color.

Now you often appear all new and new non-standard options Churchhel. It uses a variety of nuts: cashews, almonds, peanuts or Brazilian walnuts, and tuts and dried fruits are added. Sometimes you can even meet Churchhel of bright unnatural colors with the addition of dyes, but such sweetness is traditionally caucasian is not so useful as a natural product.

How to cook Churchhel?

Cooking Churchhela is pretty long and time-consuming process. Nevertheless, it can be prepared even at home, the main thing is to be patient. Consider the step-by-step instructions for the manufacture of the National Caucasian dish - classical Churchhel with grape juice and walnuts.

So, to prepare this delicacy, you need to have the following products at hand:

  • grape juice (2 l)
  • walnuts (200 g)
  • wheat sifted flour (200 g)
  • sugar (100 g)

Total of these four ingredients you will do Churchhel. Take advantage of a simple step-by-step instruction:

  • First, you need to slightly fry nuts on slow heat so that they are easier to separate from the skins. Make sure that all the nuts managed to clean well, because the peel will stick in the teeth and makes sweetness inhomogeneous.
  • Large pieces of nuts are suitable - it is better to take whole or halves. With the help of a needle, they should be carefully ripped into the thread. To the lower end of the thread, tie a match. Make about 20-30 cm nuts on the thread, and then tie the thread in the loop from above.
  • Grape juice must be cooked on a slow fire in metal dishes. Total cooking needs about two hours, periodically removing the foam.
  • Then gradually pour sugar into juice, stirring it so that sugar is uniformly distributed.
  • Give juice to cool to room temperature.
  • Gradually, pour flour into it, stirring the substance so that no lumps are formed. The texture of your mixture, which Caucasians call the Tatar) should be homogeneous.
  • Put the container to boil on slow heat again. Wait until the volume decreases half, and the mixture will not be sufficiently thick.
  • In a hot thick mass, you need to coat the bundle of nuts, wait 5-7 minutes until it gets up, and to coat two or three times with the same interval.
  • Do the same with each bundle of nuts.
  • Then Churchhel must be dried in the sun. She must stop sticking towards her hands.
  • Wrap churchhel in a towel and leave in a dry ventilated place to ripe for a couple of months. After the ripening of Churchhhel, it covers the film of the sugar powder - this is a normal process. At the same time, it should remain as soft.

Natural Churchhel is a delicious and useful sweetness that can not only buy finished, but also easy to do at home yourself. Churchhela can become a delicious and useful dessert for those who follow the figure. Also, it is perfectly suitable as a supplement to a dense breakfast or snack on the road, because nuts give the charge of cheerfulness, and the juice feeds the body with vitamins.

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