Syrup for apricot jam

Syrup for apricot jam

Syrup prepared for jam is the key to the success of a culinary case. Very often, this billet, made without proper compliance with the rules of cooking and the proportions of the ingredients, spoils the entire dessert, does not justify the funds spent and lost time. Today you will be presented somewhat simple, but at the same time, tasty syrup recipes, which is suitable for the preparation of apricot jam.

Classic sugar syrup recipe for apricot jam

The most light and unscrewing recipe is syrup, the basis of which is sugar sand. Such a blank is perfectly suitable for any type of berries and fruits, including apricots. To prepare a traditional syrup you will need:

  • 1 kg of white sugar sand. It is not recommended to take reed (brown) sugar, because it can negatively affect the taste of the syrup, giving it the shades of ferryness.
  • 1 cup of filtered water. With a rare exception, 2 glasses are taken if the selected fruits are too dry.
  • 1/2 teaspoon of citric acid. It is allowed to replace with 2-4 teaspoons of fresh lemon juice.

In total, the process of training Syrope will take you no more than half an hour, given the preparation of all the necessary components. If we talk about calories, then 100 grams of such a syrup account for 280 kcal. The plan for further action to the banality is simple:

  • First of all, you should find an enameled saucepan - wide, but not too high. Then - pour sugar sand into it and add water, put on fire, bring to a boil. At the same time, do not forget to constantly stir the brew. An important detail - as soon as sugar is completely dissolved, you need to stop interfere with the sweet substance.
  • After that, it is necessary to drop fire, remove the foam formed foam, lean the syrup for 3 minutes.
  • After the specified time, it is necessary to remove the saucepan from the plate, the resulting substance to strain through the gauze, and then return the dishes with the syrup on the slab and tomorrow for 2-3 minutes. In the last minute, it is necessary to add citric acid into a pot in the form of a powder or fresh juice and thoroughly mix the resulting vapor.

Honey-based apricot jam syrup

If you do not use sugar sand for some personal convictions, then there is a syrup recipe for an apricot jam based on honey. By the way, it can be replaced with any sweetener. For example, stevia or fructose. For such a workpiece you will need:

  • 1 cup of liquid honey. The variety is notable, it all depends on your preferences. Nevertheless, the cooks do not recommend using buckwheat honey because of its pronounced bitter taste.
  • 1 cup of filtered water. Lemon acid in this case can not be added.

The recipe is very similar to the traditional preparation of a syrup for apricot jam:

  • In the prepared dishes, pour honey or pour out fructose, add water, put on fire, bring to a boil, constantly stirring the substance.
  • Then it is important to drop fire and tomorrow syrup for 3 minutes. Do not forget to shoot a foam, which is formed on the surface of the syrup.
  • In this recipe, the stage of filtering the sweet brew can be omitted. Therefore, after the two previous items are made, you should remove the saucepan from the plate, give the syrup a little cool, then - to twist again on slow heat for 5 minutes.

It is recommended to use syrup for apricot jam hot.

Syrup cooking tips for apricot jam

In the process of training syrup, some questions may arise. Answers to the most common of them are presented below:

  • How to understand whether syrup is ready? The readiness of the syrup is determined by the spoon. It is necessary to dip it into a sweet substance and raise up. If the tricky of the syrup flows quickly, and in itself - liquid, transparent, then syrup is not ready yet. It must be placed on fire and twist once again on slow heat for some time.
  • How to give syrup a more pleasant shade if it turned out to be muddy and dark? Syrup can be lit with a 1 teaspoon of raw egg whites and 2-tablespoons of filtered water. It is necessary to simply add the specified ingredients into your vapor, to hold a slightly saucepan on fire, and then - strain the sweet substance through the gauze.
  • Is it possible to use to prepare a syrup of sugar raffin? Yes, it is possible, but it should be borne in mind that such syrup is suitable only for apricot, strawberry and grape types of jam.

Learn how to cook jam is not the most difficult thing. It is important only to have an excerpt and be patient. Then everything will certainly work out the first time. Cook with pleasure, because it's so easy!

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