How to cook marshmallows

How to cook marshmallows

Marshmallow - favorite sweet delicacy, which not only has a delicate taste, but also very useful for the body. According to a traditional recipe, which is registered in Guest, the marshmallow is prepared on the basis of apple puree, a large amount of sugar and whipped proteins. But that add modern manufacturers to this amazing dessert, for many remains a mystery. Therefore, nothing else remains how to prepare delicious marshophines on their own.

What ingredients should be preparing a real marshmallow

The secret of the air structure, light fruit aroma and the gentle sour-sweet flavor of the marshmallow lies in the choice of products. There is enough recipes for its preparation, but the true marshmallow should prepare on the basis of such components:

  • Apples with a high content of pectic substances, for example, Antonovka.
  • Sugar (better if it is powder).
  • Chicken eggs (mostly used only protein).
  • Thickener (agar-agar, pectin, gelatin).
  • Lemon acid or citrus juice.

It is possible to experiment a little taste, adding a fruit-berry puree to the marshmallow, for example, black-core or apricot. In this case, an increase in the concentration of the thickener is required. And for lovers of chocolate products, you can prepare a marshmallow in chocolate glaze.

Secrets of making marshmallows

If you own some culinary secrets, the home marshmallow turns out to be a taste not worse than the store, while without having in harmful additives.

  • Only ripe apples are suitable for the marshmallow, which, when baking, soften well and turn into a thick puree.
  • To make the marshmallow, it takes a slightly dense and sugar crust, you need to withstand it for a while in the warm room, and then put in the refrigerator.
  • Bailing the marshmallow weight should be completely thickened, only then it turns out to form beautiful marshmallow balls.
  • If you want to stock marshmallow, you need 1/3 of the sugar, replace glucose or molasses.

How to prepare the traditional marshfish "Apple"

Biological value and the characteristic taste of marshmallow give apples.

Required components:

  • Apples - ½ kg.
  • Water - ½ cup.
  • Sugar - 0.75 kg.
  • Gelatin - 35-40 g
  • Egg white - 1 piece.

How to cook:

  • Soak gelatin in water and dissolve it to heat.
  • Boil the water and sugar syrup.
  • Apples bake in the oven until complete softening pulp. Then clean the skin and pyuriruyte them using a blender.
  • In mashed add protein and whisk this mixture with a mixer for 10 minutes.
  • Gradually pour in the apple mass of gelatin and syrup.
  • Using a confectionery syringe zefirinki shape and put them in a refrigerator for about a day.

How to cook marshmallows with gelatin at home

This is one of the most affordable recipes on how to prepare the complexity and quantitative composition of the product.

What you need:

  • Gelatin - 50 g (can take 8-10 g agar).
  • Sugar - ½ kg.
  • Citric acid - ¼ tsp..
  • Water - 125 ml.
  • Baking soda - at the tip of a teaspoon.

Preparation steps:

  • First make the syrup: sugar and pour water over low heat, dissolve it completely.
  • Meanwhile, pour the gelatin with a little water so that it swelled. Then bring the syrup to a light boil and pour it into gelatin. All time interfere with the mass that it does not become a solid lump.
  • When the syrup is smooth, remove from heat. Immediately start whisking blender for 15 minutes or longer, until it begins to thicken.
  • Then add citric acid and baking soda and continue beating a couple of minutes.
  • Then give mass to stand for about 25 minutes, and then spread it on the forms.
  • Remove marshmallows as possible after its complete solidification.

As you can see, to make the home easier than marshmallows, and special expensive products do not need to do this. Bon Appetit!

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