Muscant Walnut Useful - Properties and Contraindications

Muscant Walnut Useful - Properties and Contraindications

Even ancient Romans and Greeks also knew about the beneficial properties of a nutmeg nut. He was already used to use and in cooking, and for recovery. Before the moment when the nut began to grow massively, its cost was very high. When people emphasized this plant, the price in the markets fell. The whole nutrition nucleus is greater value, but if you do not find in this form, calmly choose the ground nut, but hermetically packaged. The very nut is seed inside the bone.

Useful substances in nutmeg

Nut nucleus contain many trace elements and rich in vitamins:

  • vitamin A, group B, PP, E, H
  • iodine
  • copper
  • sodium
  • zinc
  • phosphorus
  • calcium
  • sulfur
  • magnesium
  • chlorine and iron
  • folic acid

Essential oils from nutmegs are also mined.

Healing properties of nutmeg

  • Tits cardiovascular and nervous system. At the same time, the nut helps with insomnia, in combination with milk.
  • Improves digestion, increases appetite. Antibacterial properties are manifested in the fight against gastric disorders and intestinal infections: gases, spasms, diarrhea and painful sensations.
  • It has an painful effect on dental, muscular and joint pain. Mixing nutmeg with warm floral oil, you can cook the paste, which will help in arthritis and osteochondrosis.
  • A nutmeg walnut has a beneficial effect on the liver, namely purifies from toxins. And the oil helps with renal infections.
  • It is possible to use to restore the menstrual cycle.
  • Application for the treatment of male problems associated with potency.
  • Mixing a little ground walnut with a warm drink, you will get an excellent tool for the treatment of colds.
  • Improving the condition in varicose veins varicose veins can be achieved using tincture on a nutmeg.
  • When eating a nut into food, there is a light and healthy weight loss.
  • The total stimulating effect on the body.

Application of a nutmeg in cosmetology

  • Muscate essential oil can be used in the anti-cellulite program, for massage and rubbing.
  • This oil is used in the lotions and creams for the face and body, as it tones and improves skin color, helps to fight acne and acne. Enzymes in the composition of a nutmeg stimulate the synthesis of Elastin - the main enemy of wrinkles.
  • A nutmetic oil can be used in aroma lamps and for taking baths. Oil evaporation will calm the respiratory path with diseases and relax the nervous system. And the baths with the addition of oil not only toning the skin and calm the soul, but also improve the condition of the hair.
  • Often the smell of nutmeg can be found with a note in perfume, as the oil is often used in the perfume industry.

Culinary use of nutmeg

Ground nutmeg is widely used in preparation, very universal and fit almost to all dishes: fish, meat and vegetable dishes, desserts and baking.

  • Dairy and fermented dairy products are also combined with this spice.
  • Souces, soups and even compotes become fragrant and tastier with the addition of a nutmeg.
  • This spice can be combined with cheeses and add to the preservation of jam.
  • When cooking such alcoholic beverages as Mulled wine and Punch, a nutmeg and nutmeg are added to a row with the rest of the spices.

Contraindications in the use of nutmeg

The composition of nutmens includes substances that have narcotic and hallucinogenic effects. Under the overdose of a sphere, food poisoning occurs, which can manifest itself to the stomach spasms, disorientation, heartbeat, and psychosomatic disorders. In some cases, the excess of the rushes use of the nutmeg may have a fatal outcome. The use of a nutmeg of pregnant and nursing women is contraindicated, not desirable by children.

The nutmeg is rich in vitamins and useful substances that are able to beneficially affect health and the body as a whole. Also, with this spice you can improve the taste and aroma of almost any dish. You only need to remember permissible and possible contraindications.

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