Ginger with lemon and honey - health recipe

Ginger with lemon and honey - health recipe

Autumn is a cold season and flu, so it is especially important to maintain immunity in this difficult period. Folk remedies can help the best of this - one of the most effective is tea with ginger, honey and lemon. In addition, if you have already sick, neglect medical preparations, of course, it is impossible, but additionally support the body with honey tea will not be superfluous.

From this article, you will learn why this particular means gives the best result, how to cook tea with ginger, lemon and honey, as well as how to take it for greater efficiency.

The benefits of honey, ginger and lemon

There are many folk remedies from colds, but tea with lemon and honey has always occupied a special place among them. If lemon and honey from the cold have taken our ancestors, ginger in tea in Russia began to add relatively recently. It further enhances the useful effect of such a medium from a cold. Consider what is the importance of each ingredient of this drink:

  • Honey is a wonderful natural antioxidant, and also has a disinfecting, anti-inflammatory and antiviral action. In addition, due to its soft consistency and soothing properties, honey perfectly helps to cope with the cough and sore throat - especially, as part of a hot drink.
  • Lemon is the best natural source of vitamin C, which is so necessary for the body and in the fight against infection, and in preventive purposes. In the fall, we consume significantly less fruits and vegetables than in summer, therefore, the body needs additional support. Since to eat lemon in pure form may not all, the best solution is to add it to the healing tea.
  • Ginger is an important product that increases the overall tone of the body, stimulates the work of the immune system, and also contributes to the destruction of microbes. It can be said that the action of ginger is similar to the action of garlic. However, if drinking tea with garlic is not too pleasant even as a medicine, ginger is a delicious spice that gives a drink light sharpness and unusual fragrance.

How to cook tea with lemon, honey and ginger?

Prepare such a home product is completely easy. However, therapeutic tea must differ in many ways from ordinary tea. Therefore, to preserve all the beneficial substances and make the most effective medicine, in the preparation of a drink with ginger, honey and lemon worth considering a number of nuances:

  • For such a medicine, many like to take tea. Usually it should be fastening black tea, but you can use green or herbal tea - it all depends only on your taste. Some people like to prepare a medicinal drink on the water - this option is also quite suitable.
  • Make sure your liquid has time to cool down a little - in boiling water, many useful substances are destroyed. In tea, herbal decoction or water, dive a little honey. If you are preparing a drink in a cup, add one tablespoon of honey.
  • Now add lemon to drink. It is better to put it not with one big piece, but cut into small parts or squeeze lemon juice into the drink. So you will get a maximum of vitamins.
  • Ginger should also be chopped into small pieces so that it gives more juice for the healing drink.
  • Leave your tea to pride for 20 minutes. It is very convenient to do in the thermos - in this case the drink will remain hot. However, if there is no thermos at hand, a conventional mug or kettle is quite suitable.
  • Since the lemon and ginger in the drink you added in the form of small pieces, drinking such tea may be uncomfortable - it should be strain.

How to take a homemade medicine?

Taking tea with ginger, honey and lemon, you can both in preventive purposes and for the treatment of colds or influenza. Pay attention to the following tips:

  • For prevention, such tea should be drunk once a day, two or three cups per day can be consumed for intensive treatment.
  • If you have an acute cold stage or influenza, you can not engage in self-medication. It is necessary to refer to the doctor and take all appointed medicines. Drink with honey, lemon and ginger can only support immunity and speed up recovery. However, keep in mind that it cannot replace full-fledged treatment.
  • Preferably it is worth drinking this tool after meals and not to drink it - especially if you feel the pain in the throat or suffer a cough. So drink will be gently affected by proudly, having an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect.
  • You do not need to drink a hot drink right before going outside - because of the contrast of temperatures you can get sick or exacerbate the cold.
  • You can add to tea and other useful ingredients. For example, against a cold and to maintain immunity, horse rose, raspberry, lingonberry and cranberries are perfectly helped.
  • Do not use sugar in the preparation of medicinal tea. If the drink seems sour, just add more honey.

Tea with lemon, honey and ginger is an effective homemade tool that will help prevent the disease or quickly cure the starting cold. Do not forget that in the fall, in the flu season and ARVI, the body is especially needed by support. Additional prevention will never prevent, so try to prepare this delicious and useful vitinal drink every day.

Comments leave a comment
Marfa 02/09/2018 at 13:27

Oh yeah ... it's perhaps the most delicious tool for strengthening immunity)) I did a mom in childhood, and I'm doing now for my daughter. By the way, she is very rare, because the combination of ginger and lemon is actually effective. Of course, in addition, I am still immuno, I give immuno for the prevention, I think it is all all together well and acts well)

Zhanna 10/07/2020 at 22:21

As an additional measure to strengthen the immunity - super, as the main is weak by efficiency. I trust the integrated pharmacy tools more, I myself accept the Evalalar antioxidant formula, the composition is just super. And in the drink, in addition to honey with lemon and ginger, often add turmeric and cinnamon, so more useful.


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