Ginger root - beneficial properties and contraindications

Ginger root - beneficial properties and contraindications

Ginger is a unique perennial plant, whose benefits are known since ancient times. For many years, the root of this plant is a source of many valuables, as evidenced by the ancient medical treatises of ancient Rome, Greece, China.

Today, ginger is grown in industrial purposes on plantations of India, China, Brazil, Vietnam, and in the wild, the fragrant plant is extremely rare.

Application of ginger

Due to its unique chemical composition, the root of a long-term plant is used in many spheres of human life, such as:

  • the medicine;
  • cosmetology;
  • cooking;
  • Aromatherapy.

Due to the enormous amount of vitamins and trace elements, the plant is part of a set of folk remedies, positively affecting the human body. The wide use of dried ginger in cooking is caused by its unusual aroma and sharp taste, enriches the taste of a significant number of dishes - from meat to confectionery. No less effective is the root of ginger and in the cosmetology sphere, returning youth and beauty to women.

Useful properties of ginger root

Despite the huge selection of medicinal plants, the ginger value for the richest composition of biologically active substances. About 400 valuable substances - vitamins, trace elements, amino acids, essential oils and other useful compounds, which have a positive effect on human health have been found in the rhizome of the plant. Here are some of them:

  1. The root of ginger contributes to improving metabolism and improves blood circulation.
  2. Thanks to the cleaning properties, the plant displays toxic substances from the body and promotes weight loss.
  3. Ginger drugs have a positive effect on the work of the brain, improve the memory and increase the protective forces of the body.
  4. Antibacterial properties of juice from ginger root are manifested by the use of many diseases, including with a cold, flu, respiratory and oral diseases.
  5. Ginger is one of the effective means that is used to normalize blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
  6. Tea with the root of ginger has a sedative and generalifying effect on the body, which is especially useful for women in the menopauscterical period and during toxicosis in the first months of pregnancy.
  7. Thanks to anti-inflammatory features, the use of ginger funds contributes to the elimination of prostate diseases, and in general, favorably affect male health.
  8. The antiseptic and coarse properties of ginger have fruitful influence not only with internal use, but also the outer, entering the plurality of tinctures and masks for the face and hair.
  9. Ginger tea has a positive effect during lactation, increasing the amount of milk in a nursing mother, and saturating it with a number of useful substances.
  10. The unique composition of the rhizomes of the plant makes it one of the effective means for the prevention of oncological diseases, preventing the formation of cancer cells.


Despite the huge number of useful characteristics of a long-term plant, there are a number of contraindications in which you should refrain from receiving a drug drug, in order not to harm the body.

In what cases should it be abstained from the reception of ginger?

  1. Since ginger has a warming effect, its use should be abstained by patients with high body temperature.
  2. The diligent properties of ginger root will not bring any benefit at any bleeding.
  3. The use of ginger facilities to people suffering from ulcers and gastritis is contraindicated.
  4. Ginger is not recommended in the last period of pregnancy.
  5. Strictly contraindicated the use of rhizomes during individual intolerance.

Ginger is one of the most useful medicinal plants, which is a source of health and longevity. Moderate use of ginger facilities will improve well-being, normalize weight, get rid of accumulated harmful substances in the body, and in general, to become a real assistant in a folk first-aid kit for everyone who appreciates and protects its health. The main thing is to observe the measure and listen to your body, and then its use will bring tangible benefits.

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Mariana 05/08/2018 at 16:53

In general, ginger helps our body, strengthens immunity. And here recently read that the brain is simply indispensable, double use with black tea and honey. Recently defended a diploma, so apart from this drink Silan Evalarovsky, passed on the top five, very proud of himself.


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