Spirulina - beneficial properties and contraindications

Spirulina - beneficial properties and contraindications

Already around the world, algae called spirulina was recognized in many sectors of human vital activity in a valuable product. For example, the dietary additive of spirulina is used by astronauts in space, strengthens the immune system and helps to survive the organisum stressful situations. For the average person, only 10 g of substance should be on the day as a supplement to the main nutrition. This small amount is able to restore forces to combat disease.

The benefits of spirulina

  • Blue-green algae has a unique composition with a high concentration of easily durable protein, a huge list of other components. Here and zinc, calcium, iron, riboflavin, antioxidants, amino acids, etc. 100 g of substance is about 300 calories. A day drink no more than 2 spoons, so calorieness does not affect the body.
  • Cosmetology - add to refreshing, restoring face masks.
  • Purifies blood from toxins, reduces cholesterol.
  • Eliminates allergic reactions.
  • Prevents the development of cancer cells.
  • Thiamine soothes the heart rhythm, the nervous system.
  • Glutamic acid regulates failures with memorization of information, suitable for students, schoolchildren 6-7 years and above.
  • Eliminates the stacking, violation of the chair (constipation).
  • Heat out when vitamin and mineral deficiency.
  • Significantly slows down the aging process.

Spirulina in cooking

  • Not exceeding the daily dose, spirulina is added as a powder in food as seasonings.
  • The powdered substance is eaten with protein, honey, juice.
  • Refueling to fruit salads: Honey 3 T.L., 1/4, Ch.L. Cinnamon, 1/8 tsp Algae mix in the container. Add in the mornings in summer fruit salads, porridge. Activates intestinal peristalsis.

Spirulina in hair mask

Carrot juice 2 tbsp., 2 yolks, 5 drops of lemon juice, spirulina 1 tsp. Mix and apply for 25 minutes. On dry hair. After time, washed off with warm water and shampoo.

Cosmetic Masks from Frozen Spirulina

Frozen algae after defrosting is still 2 hours, it cannot be frozen.

  • Spirulina 40 g defrost and mix out of 2 tbsp. Rated pumpkin meakty, 1 tsp. vegetable oil. Apply a mask to the face with a duration of 20 minutes.
  • 2 tbsp. Wheat flour, 1 tsp. The tincture of the calendula on alcohol, a little water to mix with algae spirulina 40 g. Due to the presence of alcohol, it perfectly dry, relieves inflammation, keep not more than 20-25 minutes.
  • Chicken egg split into protein and yolk. White protein whipped the wedge, pour 1 tsp. Natural citric acid, pour 40 g spirulina. Applied for 15 minutes. The mask whitens, drying the skin, removes increased pores.

Contraindications for the use of spirulina

  • Algae in its composition can not bring harm, but it is contraindicated to people with blood pressure problems and renal failure.
  • With caution to eat in food with such diseases: disorders of the functions of the thyroid gland, nervous disorders, internal bleeding, strokes, infarction, intestinal ulcers and other ulcers, intolerance to the components of the product in composition.
  • Elevated amount of beta carotene increases the yellowness of the skin. If this happened simply reduce the dose.
  • A little spirulina is taken with a gall-eyed illness in low-spirited people. Their urinary channels are narrow, and algae actively displays small stones, sand, congestion can happen, and follow the damage to gentle ducts.
  • When chemotherapy is not recommended - spirulina displays toxic elements, which will lower the importance of the course of treatment.
  • Before buying and receiving, consult with the attending physician. If side effects appeared, then you need to stop using, sign up for the therapist. The most common side effects: diarrhea, vomiting, insomnia, rash, eczema, so on.

Some scientists agree that Spirulina is a resource of the future planet Earth. Over this type of algae, studies are conducted proving invaluable benefit to humanity. Spearulina may surely replace completely food in the case of total hunger, but will help the production of some products. After all, everyone knows the fact that our planet's resources are not infinite and therefore it is better to think about the misfortune in advance.

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