Honeysuckle - Useful properties and contraindications

Honeysuckle - Useful properties and contraindications

Honeysuckle - shrub with beautifully curved branches and fine green foliage. During the flowering period, this culture is covered with yellow inflorescences, on the site of which the sizo-blue fruits of the barrel-shaped form are tied. In the people, they are valued by their useful properties and an unusual taste.

What is the biological value of the honeysuckle

The fruit of the honeysuckle, from the point of view of nutrition, are a valuable food. Their composition is deprived of fats and proteins, and is represented mainly by sugars and vitamin substances.

Honey - low-calorie fruit. Its caloriciness ranges between 30 and 40 kcal / 100 g, which depends on the agricultural range and the variety of the honeysuckle.

Such nutrients prevail as part of the honeysuckle:

  • organic acids;
  • vitamins A, B1, B2, C;
  • macroelements (phosphorus, potassium, sodium, silicon);
  • trace elements (iodine, strontium, aluminum, copper, iron);
  • digested carbohydrates.

Interesting! Beodes of honeysuckle contribute to more efficient weight loss.

Honeysuckle - Application and Useful Properties

In nutrition, the honeysuckle is considered as low-calorie and with the nutritional product. It is often included in the menu during obesity, reduced intestinal peristalsis, avitaminosis.

Much of popularity has earned honeysuckle in folk medicine. It is successfully used in constipation, quint, chronic diarrhea, hypertension, as well as in diseases of the eyes, skin, blood, urogen and vascular systems.

The honeysuckle has an excellent therapeutic and prophylactic effect in impairment of the immune system. Moreover, the benefits are not only the fruits of the honeysuckle, but also foliage, branches, inflorescences.

What is useful for the honeysuckle and how it affects the body:

  • Berries in any form - fresh, frozen, Fresh, compote is an effective anti-infinite drug.
  • The honeysuckle improves the people who live in bad eco-conditions. Fruits have a radioprotective effect and successfully remove salts of heavy metals.
  • The berries of the honeysuckle contributes to the abundant allocation of gastric juice, and this, in turn, is setting up the process of digestion of food.
  • Compresses from the honeysuckle juice quickly derive deprived and peptic education.
  • The decoction of dried honeysuckle and the roots of the bush is a good eye bar and a rinser for the throat. 1 tbsp. l. Berries and roots pour 1 l of water and boiled 10-12 minutes.
  • The tea from the honeysuckle has an anti-inflammatory effect, lowers the body temperature, facilitates the flow of ARVI, influenza. One tablespoon of berries is brewed in 500 ml of boiling water, and then 50 ml of 3 p is taken. in a day.
  • Masks based on berries honeysuckle update skin: remove inflammation, improve the tour, bring acne. For this, there is enough to smoke fresh berries and impose Cashitz on the face of 20 minutes.
  • Herbal baths based on leaves and honeysuckle branches help remove the rheumatoid attack.
  • Useful berries and pregnancy. Only 50 g of berries per day will get rid of the swelling of the legs, the emergence of varicose veins, strengthen the heart muscle.
  • Thanks to the content of selenium, the honeysuckle has a positive effect on the reproductive function in men and the endocrine system in women.

Advice! The honeysuckle retains its benefit even after heat treatment. Therefore, it is possible to boil compote from it, make a morse, prepare jam.

Who can not eat honeysuckle

The honeysuckle happens different varieties: with sweet and bitter fruits, with sourness or tart flavor, edible and poisonous. Therefore, before use you need to make sure of its edibility.

Important! A very spread in the wilderness gained a poisonous grade, which everyone knows the name "Wolf Berry". It can be found on dark yellow or red berries, rounded shape and without a characteristic pepperwood.

From unlimited eating berries, constipation may occur. For this reason, people who are prone to this problem are not worth the honeysuckle.

There is also a risk of developing an allergic reaction, so allergies need to be careful with this berry.

During pregnancy, restrictions were introduced for the use of this berry - no more than 40-50 g per day.

As you can see, there are no strict contraindications at the honeysuckle, but the list of its useful properties is striking. Use these berries in reasonable limits, then you peel your body and cheer in vitality.

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