Gurievskaya Porridge Recipe Classic

Gurievskaya Porridge Recipe Classic

About the Gurievskaya Kaha still argue, who invented it? The authorship is attributed to the serfs of Zakharu Kuzmin, and the Russian Count Guryev, who seemed to be prepared with his cook in the kitchen. The porridge this in the old days was prepared in rich houses and slept her the most expensive guests. The literature has mentioned that the Guryev porridge was the most favorite dessert dish of the great emperor Alexander III. Today, this unusual porridge is served in the most expensive Russian restaurants and each cook prepares it in his secret prescription.

Recipe of Gurievskaya Porridge from the ancient culinary book

  • Take the fatty homemade milk and pour it into a wide bowl. Send a bowl in a hot oven.
  • When pink dairy fifts start to form on milk, remove them and lay out onto a flat plate. All removed foams cut into small pieces.
  • Welcome on milk from which the foams have already removed, thick rice or manna porridge.
  • Put the freshest raw eggs, a bit of homely cream and a little creamy oil. Mix mix.
  • Now in porridge, add chopped milk foams, roasted and then chopped walnuts, crumbling of sweet almonds and different fruit candies, pre-tested in an orange alcohol tincture. Mix porridge again.
  • Lubricate a deep saucery with butter and put all porridge into it. Sprinkle with sugar and chopped very finely chokatami.
  • Bake porridge in the oven half an hour until the sugar starts caramelized.

This recipe from the ancient book does not contain accurate instructions in the number of products required. It is possible to advise it only by very experienced hostesses, which represent how much milk and cereals will need for thick porridge and how many other goodies you need to put in it so that the porridge is tasty.

Recipe of Guriev Porridge in the old style

You will need:

  • Cream with fat content of 25% - 300 ml;
  • Milk whole - 500 ml;
  • Eggs - 1 pc.;
  • Sugar sand -100 g;
  • Fresh apricots - 10-12 pcs .;
  • Semolina coarse -100 g;
  • High-fat butter - 50 g;
  • Nuts - 0.5 cups;
  • Vanilla - on the tip of a knife;
  • Salt - a pinch.


  • Pour the cream into the fireproof dish and place in a fairly hot oven so that they began to languish. Carefully remove their golden foam and trying not to break, lay them on a platter.
  • The milk place the salt and bring it to the boil. Stir in the milk all the semolina, but in small portions. When vsypanii semolina liquid constantly interrupt to porridge was not formed lumps. Cook porridge for 2-3 minutes until it thickens strong. Set aside porridge from the heat and let it cool slightly.
  • While the porridge cools, rub until fluffy state of egg yolk and sugar. Protein separately whisk in the foam.
  • Nuts chop in average crumb and fry them in the melted butter until the characteristic flavor of nut.
  • .Ostyvshuyu porridge mix with whipped protein and mashed yolks and add the nuts and butter.
  • Apricots split in half
  • A deep sauté pan brush with butter and place on its bottom third of the cereal. Smooth out the spatula it. Porridge lay half shot foams and half apricot slices.
  • Then again lay a third of porridge, the remaining foam and remaining apricots.
  • The final layer lay the last piece of cereal. Sprinkle with a handful of its sugar.
  • Bake in oven until porridge upper browning. Oven Temperature - 180 degrees.
  • Cooked cereal candied fruit garnish and serve hot or cold.

For porridge can make a sweet sauce and pour over the dish:

  • 100 g apricot slices perebeyte in a blender and blend them with the powdered sugar (100 g) and water (50 mL).
  • Simmer the sauce until thick and then let it cool.

Guriev porridge recipes there are so many. The main thing in her favor thick milk porridge and milk foam from the oven. Then you can experiment and add to the dish any fruit and berries, nuts, candied fruits, raisins. You can also use a variety of favorite spices: lemon zest or orange, ground cinnamon, any other food sweet flavor. But do not forget at the end of porridge baked in the oven and elegantly decorate it before serving.

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