Classic Potato Recipe

Classic Potato Recipe

Well-cooked Dranians can not only replace a full-fledged family dinner, but they can even treat guests. The festive option assumes the presence of an unusual sauce to a dish or an original filling. The secret of real classic danks is a properly prepared basis, which then you have to fry correctly.

How to prepare the right foundation for classic danks

  • Take 1 kg of potatoes. The young for these purposes is not suitable, because in it there is very little starch and in the Dranians will have to add a lot of flour for gluing. Wash potatoes under running water, dry with a towel and clean out of the skins. Sutitate potatoes on the small grater. Put a small potato chips in a bowl and after 5-7 minutes, press the excess liquid with my hands.
  • Clean from the upper dry husk of 3 major bulbs. Sattail them on the same shallow grater or grind at the highest speed in the blender. The onion cleaner also squeeze a little.
  • Spice 3 eggs into a separate container and take them to a fork to a homogeneous mass with a teaspoon of salt.
  • Mix potato, onion and egg masses. Try the base on the salt and if necessary, add it to taste.
  • If the basis for the danks you got a liquid, and it depends on the variety of potatoes, then add a pair of wheat flour spoons into it. All mix well. You should have a pretty thick potato mass that keeps the shape on a spoon.

What oil take for frying classic danks

Fry Dianci is best on a thick cast iron frying pan, on which melted oil remains hot.

  • Vegetable oil is suitable for frying, better sunflower, but absolutely odorless (refined).
  • Part of the oil can be replaced with pork smalts - the Diani will turn out beautiful orange and pleasant taste.
  • Not suitable for frying danks margarine and butter. Since the dranians need to fry on a very large fire, then these two products will burn and the pancas will turn out to be neappety.

How to fry dianki on a classic recipe

  • Turn on the slab on the middle power. Put the frying pan without oil on fire and let it warm it 2-3 minutes.
  • Pour into the oil frying pan with a layer of 0.5 cm. Give oil a little to warm up, and then increase the fire to the maximum.
  • When light smoke appears above the butter, then completely slightly reduce the fire. It should be a little more medium.
  • Type to a large spoon the foundation for Drank and lay it on the pan. Press the potato mass by the convex side of the spoon so that a separate Diank is in the middle and at the edges turned out to be the same thickness.
  • In the same way, put on the pan with hot oil and the rest of two or three reproach. Do not put a lot of danks in the pan at once. Between them should be a lot of space so that the oil from a large number of dranks quickly does not cooled and the products are well delighted.
  • Lift one pancake with a spooner and if you see that the bottom has become golden and crisp, gently turn the sauna on the other side. Do the same with the rest of the pancakes.
  • When the first batch of Dranikov is ready, lay them out first on a plate with a napkin (it will remove excess fat), and then shift to the ceramic bowl with a lid (the dianki will last hot).
  • Before frying the second and subsequent portions of the danks, be mixed with the potato base with a spoon so that the resulting fluid is uniformly distributed on the basis.

How classic home datra make festive dish

Classic Distas Stuffed Mushrooms

  • Fry on oil any fresh mushrooms and onions. Cut the mushrooms finely and add salts and pepper.
  • Put the base for the pancro on the pan and crumple it with a spoon.
  • On the middle of potato mass, put a little mushroom minced meat.
  • On the minister's minibov, put another spoonful of the potato base. Press it throughout the area so that the sides are not visible mushrooms.
  • Fry stuffed dianki from two sides to a crust.

Casserole from classic danks with meat

  • Take a big refractory shape and lay it out by the bottom of the ready-made squads.
  • Put fried fried with onions and spices with meat minced meat.
  • Stuffing from meat Cover the second layer of danks.
  • Repeat the layers (meat minced meat - Diana) until the form is filled with home.
  • Fill the casserole with any tomato sauce.
  • Bake the dish in the oven 15 minutes before the crisp top crust.

Classic Diana in sour cream

  • Finished Dranians lay out in the form for baking. You can use the portion pots.
  • Sour salute and stick to taste and add to it a handful of any chopped greens.
  • Fill the Dianki sour cream and tomit them in a hot oven for 10-15 minutes.
  • 5 minutes before the end of cooking, suck the dish with a small amount of grated solid cheese.
  • Give cheese to melt

Do not forget that Dranians are especially good hot. Prepare and bake them immediately before serving on the table. Bon Appetit!


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