Cupcake Capital with raisins - a recipe for GOST

Cupcake Capital with raisins - a recipe for GOST

Do you know such a sweet treat called the Metropolitan Cupcake? We offer you to cook it. The metropolitan cupcake with raisins in Soviet times was very popular. This raw sweetness from affordable products was put even on a festive table. However, to prepare a really tasty cupcake, followed a certain standard, that is, GOST. Strictly allocated proportions and the installed sequence of action in preparation made it possible to prepare a delicious and fragrant metropolitan cupcake with raisins. Tell about how to cook it.

Useful recommendations

  1. Use only dark raisins. He will give baking fragrance and peculiar taste.
  2. If you wish, you can increase the amount of oil. From this taste only becomes richer.
  3. Find close to the choice of butter. Choose not vegetable butter, namely, 100% creamy oil. Such an oil is more expensive than its analog, but it helps to achieve the desired test consistency.
  4. Raisins should be evenly distributed on the cupcake, so before baking, mix the dough with a fork, a spoon. You can also shake the dough slightly.
  5. The amount of raisins in the cupcake can be neglected and used not laid 200 grams of dark dried grapes, but all 250 or 300 grams of raisins.
  6. After cooking, let the metropolitan cupcake cool down a little. This will preserve its shape.
  7. If you want to decorate the cupcake, then sprinkle it with sugar powder. Please note that the cupcake is needed only after it will cool down.


Capital Cupcake with raisins: a recipe for GOST

What is needed to prepare a metropolitan cupcake with raisins

  1. Wheat flour of higher grade 250 g
  2. Sugar powder for decoration (you can take sugar and grind it)
  3. Basin 1 tsp.
  4. Sugar Sand 200 g
  5. Middle chicken eggs 2-3 pcs.
  6. Dark Raisin 200 g
  7. Natural butter 200 g
  8. Vanillin on taste
  9. Salt


Before you begin to prepare a metropolitan cupcake with raisins, prepare products. In particular, get chicken eggs from the refrigerator and wait until they purchase room temperature. If you use cold eggs, the cupcake will be too dense by consistency. Then melt the natural creamy oil. You can do this with the help of a microwave or puzzle with water. Once all the ingredients are prepared, you can proceed to the preparation of the metropolitan cupcake in GOST.

  1. Wake up the flour and mix it with salt and baking powder.
  2. Boil water, and rosis and put in a shallow bowl. Fill dried grapes boiling water and wait 15-20 minutes. Then drain the water and let the raisum dry out a little.
  3. Scatter the eggs and put them in a big bowl, and then take it all the wedge.
  4. Put in a separate bowl of softened or melted natural creamy oil. Mix it with sugar sand and mix well. To do this, use the plug or the mixer. Then add some vanilla sugar and mix well again.
  5. Then add to the creamy oil and sugar sand with vaniline sifted wheat flour with a bundle and salt. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Then gradually add chicken eggs to the mixture.
  6. In the final stage of cooking, we will get the dark raisins from the bowl and add it to the dough. All the ingredients are well mixed so that Raisins evenly distributed over the test.
  7. Take the baking shape (preferably silicone), lubricate it with a small amount of vegetable oil and distribute the cooked dough on it.
  8. Heat the oven up to 160 or 170 degrees and put a form with a dough. Bake the metropolitan cupcake with raisins at a constant temperature for 1 hour 20 minutes.
  9. Remove the metropolitan cupcake from the oven and let him cool a little. Then sprinkle with sugar powder.

The metropolitan cupcake with raisins, prepared according to GOST will be a treat not only for adults, but also for children.

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