Cake Prague Classic recipe for GOST

Cake Prague Classic recipe for GOST

Back in Soviet times, the Prague Cake, which was made strictly according to GOST in the confectionery stores. Then many mistresses learned to bake him on their own at home. This is not surprising, because the cake is simply delicious taste and not particularly difficult in preparation. If there is no recipe for this incredible dessert in your culinary book, then in the article we will share with you a classic preparation of the Prague cake.

The history of the occurrence of dessert

Initially, the Prague cake recipe was invented by the confectionery art of the Czech Republic. For what, in fact, and got its name in honor of the capital of the state. But it is worth saying that it was a long time ago, and now no one remembers about this cake in the Czech Republic. To date, there are analogues of the pristine recipe, therefore the cake is not particularly demand among buyers.

We also have this cake more famous called "Prague". And the creator was the Russian specialist in the field of confectionery art - V. Torch.

At one time he studied his craft from Czech confectioners. During the USSR, this cake was preparing for GOST. It was baked on a variety of bakeries and factories specializing in confectionery products. And that is characteristic, despite the fact that everywhere the recipes of preparation varied a little, the taste of the cakes was equally amazing.

Nowadays, the classic cake recipe "Prague" has changed a little - it became easier to prepare. Now modern hostesses can pamper their guests with such a wonderful cake, not particularly spending on his cooking a lot of time and effort. And, by the way, it is impossible to spoil this cake if it is clearly followed by the presented formulation.

Classic recipe for cooking Cake "Prague"

As mentioned above, the cake is quite easy to prepare. Plus, he does not need to be soaked too long. This will take a maximum of two hours. Yes, and the composition of products is not so sophisticated - almost all ingredients are often available in each mistress.

So, for the preparation of a cake "Prague" take such a set of products:

  • for dough:
  1. eggs - 5 pcs.
  2. sour cream - 1.5 tbsp.
  3. sugar - 1.5 tbsp.
  4. condensed milk - 2/3 banks
  5. soda - 1 tsp.
  6. vinegar - 1 tbsp.
  7. cocoa - 4 tbsp.
  8. flour - 2.5-3 tbsp.
  • for cream:
  1. condensed milk - 1 bank + 1/3 banks that remain with dough
  2. creamy butter - 300-350 g
  3. cocoa - 3 tbsp.
  4. apricot Jam - 100 g
  • for glaze:
  1. milk - 5 tbsp.
  2. sugar - 5 tbsp.
  3. creamy butter - 50 g
  4. cocoa - 3 tbsp.

As you have time to notice, Cocoa is required everywhere. This is the essence of the cake "Prague": chocolate biscuit, chocolate cream and chocolate glaze. Despite the fact that the recipe for GOST is used sweet, in a modern advanced classic recipe cake flooded with icing, as its preparation is much easier and faster, which saves the time of each mistress. And the taste of the cake from this is absolutely not inferior to the one that is cooked with sweet.

Well, what, we turn to the process of cooking the cake:

  • First, we split the eggs into the container where the dough will be missed. We whip them with a mixer well, gradually adding sugar into them.
  • Next, in the resulting mass, we pour out the condensed milk, again everything is mixed with a mixer. Then we pour sour cream into this mixture.
  • Now we smear in a tablespoon of 1 tsp. Soda and Gasim her 1 tbsp. vinegar. Again, all mix, but already slightly, that is, not so intense.
  • The next step is to add cocoa. Here to interfere, of course, preferably a tablespoon, because if you use a mixer at high speed, then the whole kitchen will be in cocoa.
  • And the last barcode is the addition of flour. Gradually, squeeze it, stirring the whole mass so that it is homogeneous. As a result, the dough turns out how to steep pancakes is not too liquid, but not obsessed firmly.
  • The resulting mass divide into 3 parts and bake, respectively, 3 embers. For this, a baking sheet with margarine, slightly sprinkle with flour. Pour the dough into it and bake in a preheated to 180 literally 5-7 minutes, depending on the oven. So do when baking every embezzlement. If you doubt that the korzh will come out without any problems with the opposition, wash it with parchment and lubricate it, and then pour and bake the dough. Baking shape is usually taken up with a size of 25 * 25 cm, if it is a square shape, or a radius of 25-30 cm, if round.

You can also bake 1 cake immediately, and then simply cut it into 3 parts. Only in this case, the baking time, of course, will increase. Quickness readiness Check by sticking into it a wooden skeletal or toothpick. It should remain dry, only in this case the korzh is ready.


  • Now proceed to cooking cream. To do this, scorch the oil room temperature. Slowly pour condensed milk into it and snatch cocoa. Everyone is well whipped with a mixer to a homogeneous consistency.
  • When the cream is ready, and the cakes cooled, begin to build a cake. We put the crude on the dish, we abundantly lubricate it with cream. Also do with the second korze. We simply cover the third cake with the third, and with top with a sprinkle confiture. Abundantly lubricate the sides of the cake.
  • Now proceed to cooking the glaze. We put on a small fire of milk, add sugar and oil to it, stir so that the components are dissolved. Now we are sad, gradually cocoa, continuously stirring and dissolving all lumps with a spoon. Everything, glaze is ready.
  • In the resulting icing pour the cake on top and on the sides. We put a ready-made cake in the refrigerator for a couple of hours so that it is soaked.
  • After the specified time, we can serve the Prague cake to guests for a festive table or simply arrange tea drinking with the whole family.

If you want a more juicy cake, you can split the dough on 4 embers. Or bake 2, each of which is divided by half when assembling. In general, here you can upgrade the recipe, focusing on your own taste. You can even replace the apricot jam in some other. We describe you a classic, and you already adjust it "for yourself."

As you can see, you can bake an excellent cake for a short time, which will have to taste everything that will try it. Do not even doubt this. The main thing is clearly follow the recipe, and cook dessert with love. Bon Appetit!

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