Cake County Ruins Classic Recipe

Cake County Ruins Classic Recipe

Now there is a huge variety of all kinds of baking cakes: pies, cakes, muffins, pies, etc. If you do not know how to bake a cake for the arrival of guests, "Earl ruins" would be an excellent option for this reason. This cake-holiday, it looks very presentable, and simply delicious to the taste. And with a recipe of its preparation you will learn in this article.

Classic cake recipe "Earl ruins"

This cake is quite unusual, and in appearance, and assembly. Tried to bake it at least once, you make it an ornament each holiday table. For the preparation of this culinary masterpiece take such ingredients:

  • for the dough:
  1. eggs - 2-3 pieces.
  2. sugar - 1 tbsp.
  3. cream - 200 g
  4. condensed milk - 1/3 of banks
  5. cocoa - 1 tablespoon
  6. soda - 2 tsp
  7. vinegar - 1 tbsp
  8. flour - 2-2,5 st.
  9. margarine for greasing the baking dish
  • cream:
  1. home cream - 0.5 l
  2. condensed milk - 1 jar
  3. sugar - 1 tbsp.
  4. vanilla sugar - 1 package
  • for glaze:
  1. milk - 6 tablespoons
  2. sugar - 3 tbsp
  3. cocoa - 3 tablespoons
  4. 50 g of butter

The sequence of actions cake cooking

So, prepare all the necessary ingredients that go to the very preparation process:

  1. To begin, prepare the dough. To do this, break the eggs into the container, which will knead the dough, add sugar here is good and all, beat with a mixer.
  2. Next, pour the cream, pour in a tablespoon of baking soda and extinguish it with vinegar. After that, pour the condensed milk and mix the resulting mass. Next, gradually add the flour, mix everything well.
  3. The dough is obtained as on thick fritters. Now lubricate the form, it is better that it is a round form. In principle, the dough is perfectly baked and does not stick to the walls, but if you doubt, you can store the baking form by parchment. Pour into the lubricated form 1/3 of the test and put bake in a well-warmed oven at an average temperature. Usually the korzh is a 4-20 minutes, it all depends on the oven.
  4. In the remaining 2/3 of the test, add cocoa, mix well. Then pour into a lubricated form and also bake. We give baked korzh cool. In the meantime, we cook cream.
  5. We mix home sour cream, condensed milk, sugar and vanilla sugar and whipped well with a mixer while the cream does not become medium density. Now we start collecting our cake.
  6. Next, cut the cocoa with cocoa on arbitrary pieces, usually - these are squares size 3 * 3. We are laying on the dish white korzh (that is, which was without cocoa). Lubricate it with cream. And now every chopped slice of an attachment with cocoa loosen in the cream on all sides and put on a blurred white crude. Then lay out the next layer, then the next one. Thus, lay out the slide.
  7. Now we cook the glaze. To do this, we boil milk, dissolve sugar and butter in it, add cocoa, continuously stirring on slow heat, dissolve all cocoa lumps with a spoon. We remove the icing from the fire, let her cool a little and then pour our "county ruins" by her. You can create some patterns, and you can simply pour it on top of the cake in a circle. It all depends on your imagination.
  8. If you do not want to bother with the preparation of glaze, you can simply melt the black chocolate tile on the water bath and pour the resulting glaze cake. The result will be the same.
  9. Now give a cake to soak well. It is preferable to prepare this cake in a day before the holiday, then on the day of the event, it is perfectly soaked and will just melt in the mouth.

Small advice! The cake will be even tastier if in the process of its assembly you every layer will shift with fresh or canned fruits or dried fruits. A very, very spicy taste acquires a cake, if each layer is shifted by slices of banana. It turns out quite tasty with orange and kiwi.

In any case, if you prepare such a cake on the festive table, none of your guests will remain indifferent to such a masterpiece. Be sure that enthusiastic reviews and praise your address will not wait long to wait. And no bubble bought in the store does not compare with the County Ruins cake, especially if it is cooked with love.

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