Cake Ryzhik Classic Recipe

Cake Ryzhik Classic Recipe

In each family there are solemn events when a lot of guests come, and the housewife at home covers a festive table. And then often the question arises of which cake to bake to the sweet table so that all guests are satisfied with the dinner. An excellent solution here can be a wonderful cake of the Ryzhik. From the article you will learn how to prepare it according to the classic recipe.

Cake Ryzhik - Classic Cooking Recipe

Immediately, we want to note that the cake on this recipe is very gentle and delicious to taste. And, in contrast to many other cakes, it is quick enough. While some cakes for impregnation takes 12-14 hours, then the rim will be enough for an hour 3-4.

In order to prepare this culinary masterpiece, prepare the following components:

  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • honey - 2 tbsp.
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • creamy oil - 20-30 g + 300 g
  • food soda - 1.5 ppm
  • flour - 1.5-2 tbsp.
  • condensed milk - 1 bank
  • margarine - for lubrication of the opposite

Now proceed to the process of cooking our cake. The sequence of actions here is as follows:

  1. First of all, we will need to prepare condensed milk on the cream. To do this, we put a jar into a saucepan with water and put on fire, where from the moment of boiling you cook it hour and a half. You can, of course, buy immediately ready to boiled condensed milk, but if you do it yourself, the cream is more tastier.
  2. While the condensed milk is boiled, we will cook the test. It is worth noting that it will be custard, that is, we will prepare it in a water bath. To do this, take two saucepans: one larger size, the second - smaller. Pour water into a large saucepan, somewhere slightly less than half of the tank, and put on fire. Wait until the water boils.
  3. Now proceed in the cooking test. In a small saucepan, we pour honey, melted butter (20-30 g), drive eggs, pour sugar and soda. Well everything is stirred by a spoon, put a small saucepan in a big way to melt all the components in a water bath. Suck here the same gradually 1.5 cups of flour, constantly stirring, and cook the dough about 3 minutes. When the dough is ready, it begins to flap from the walls of the container.
  4. We assimilate the surface on which we will work with flour. Remove the dough from the water bath and pour it into the prepared surface. We wash it to medium hardness. If necessary, you can add more flour. Now divide it on 8 parts. Each cake is finely thin, cut the uneven edges and put in a lubricated baking sheet. After that, we bake in the oven preheated to 200 degrees 3-5 minutes. Cropped uneven edges also bake along with the korzhi, we will open them into the crumb to make the cake from above and from the sides.
  5. Consider the moment that the cakes are obtained very gentle, you need to work with them extremely neatly. Due to the fact that honey is present in the test, it can slightly stick to the rink or surface on which you roll it out. In this case, just sprinkle more flour on top and bottom of the look.
  6. Let's go back to our cream. When the condensed milk is welded, cool it in cold water, open the jar, mix the contents with 300 g of butter. Watch the cream using a mixer.
  7. Now proceed to assembling the cake. Each corter lay out on the dish, we richly lubricate with cream from above. And so do it until the cakes are running out. From above and on the sides, good to dear cake cream. And finally, sprinkle it with a trained crumb. All, cake ready! Let it be soaked for 4 hours and you can treat them your household and guests.

Small advice! A cake is very tasty if walnuts grind on the meat grinder and sprinkle each cake, lubricated with cream when assembling a cake. From above can also sprinkle a cake with grated chocolate. In general, everything depends on your imagination and preferences.

We have acquainted you with a wonderful recipe for making a redhead. Do not be lazy to try bake such a cake, and your guests will be delighted with your culinary talents. After all, if you cook the cake with your own hands, then it will be doubly tastier. The main thing is clearly follow the specified recipe.

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