Cake Napoleon with custard - recipe

Cake Napoleon with custard - recipe

Each of us the taste of cake "Napoleon" is familiar from childhood. He is preparing all moms and grandmothers. Probably there is no such person in the world who would not love the "Napoleon" cake with a custard, because it always turns out to be delicious, soft and impregnated. If you still do not know how to prepare such a cake, then in the article we will imagine several uncomplicated recipes, thanks to which you can easily create a culinary masterpiece for a festive table and not only.

Napoleon - Classic Recipe with Custard

Napoleon on this recipe is obtained so gentle that it practically melts in the mouth. So, the following components are needed for cooking:

  • margarine - 250 g
  • water - 1/2 Art.
  • flour - 3.5 - 4 tbsp. + 1 tbsp.
  • milk - 1 l
  • sugar - 1/2 Art.
  • boiled condensed milk - 1 bank
  • creamy butter - 200-300 g

We proceed to the preparation of the cake:

  1. First prepare the dough. To do this, we need a cold margarine chopped an arbitrarily knife and rub with flour into a small crumb. Water heating a little, add a little glance to the finished crumb and knead the dough. If the flour is not enough, and the dough still sticks to the hands, add more flour.
  2. The finished dough put in the refrigerator for half an hour and proceed to the preparation of a custard.
  3. First boil milk, then sugar sugar into it and mix until complete dissolution. After that, by slightly snatch 1 tbsp. Flour and cook on medium fire, constantly stirring, so that the flour lumps are not formed. Cook somewhere 3-5 minutes. Before thickening mass. Next, remove the custard cream from the fire and let him cool.
  4. Give the dough from the refrigerator, divide it into 9 parts. Each part roll over in a round root, put in a lubricated baking sheet and bake in a heated to 200 degrees oven, approximately 3-5 minutes.
  5. When all the cords are baked, one of them is overruming into the crumb to powder the cake from above and from the sides.
  6. Now we produce our cream. Boiled condensed milk connect with creamy oil and beat a good mixer. Then we connect it all with a cooled custard.
  7. Now we collect our Napoleon. We put the crude on the dish, then we abundantly lubricate it with cream. So we do with all the korzhi. When the last crude is blurred, our cake on the sides completely failed.
  8. And finally, the last touch - we sprinkle our beauty from above and on the sides of the crumb.
  9. Let's impregnate 4-5 hour cake and proceed to tasting.

Crisp Napoleon with Custard - Recipe

At the next prescription, the cakes are obtained more crispy and crumbly. But the cake from this is no less tasty. So, for the preparation of Napoleon, we take such a set of products:

  • eggs - 7-8 pcs. + 1 pc.
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. + 1 tbsp.
  • margarine - 100 g
  • vodka - 1 tbsp.
  • flour - how much will go + 3 tbsp. for cream
  • milk - 1 l
  • creamy butter - 300 g

Preparation algorithm Next:

  1. First prepare the dough. To do this, take eggs with sugar and whipped the wedge. This is also adding soft margarine. Again, we beat the mass of the wedge.
  2. Gradually add flour, spraying the impressed mass by vodka. Gradually knead the dough. It should be soft. We assume the dough aside for half an hour, cover it with a towel or a food film, so as not to unstead.
  3. Meanwhile, we cook cream. We take a liter of raw milk, cast 200 ml from it and put it boil. While the milk boils, in a separate container, we whip 1 egg in a separate container, add 200 ml of raw milk and 3 tbsp. flour. Everyone is well mixed up to a homogeneous consistency so that there are no flour lumps.
  4. In the boiled 800 ml of milk sugar sugar and cook on a slow heat, stirring until a complete dissolution of sugar. Here is a thin flowing pour a cooked mass of raw milk, eggs and flour, constantly stirring. Cook literally a few minutes before thickening, after which we remove the finished cream from the fire and let it cool.
  5. Return to the test. We divide it for 13-15 parts, each of which is thinly rolling, put on a lubricated baking sheet and bake in a preheated oven until readiness. Before putting the root in the oven, it is necessary to beat it with a fork, so that when baked it is not bubble. The cakes on this recipe are baked very quickly.
  6. After you baked all the cakes, one of them grind into the crumb, for the creaking of the cake.
  7. Now take a soft butter in room temperature and mix with cooled custard.
  8. We start collecting the cake. Each crude is well missing cream. When the last cake is lubricated, lubricate the cake on the sides and sprinkle with a completely crumb. You can also pick up a cake from above with nuts, dried fruits, raisins or grated chocolate. It all depends on your desire, opportunities and preferences.
  9. Give the cake to pursue the clock 6-8, and even better to do it in the evening so that it is impregnated all night. After that, you can arrange tea drinking.

Despite the fact that these 2 recipes are fundamentally different, the cake is obtained equally amazing for taste. You can only try to bake Napoleon and taste it with a cup of fragrant tea. Bon Appetit!

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