Cake Zacher - Recipe

Cake Zacher - Recipe

There is nothing deer than Austrian desserts. One of the most popular Viennese cakes is a chocolate cake "Zaher". This is an air biscuit impregnated with apricot jam, polished with chocolate icing. If you want to cook this exquisite sweetness at home, we suggest you use the cake recipe "Zaher", which we imagine you in this article.

The history of the appearance of the cake "Zaher"

The author of the recipe for a masterpiece of confectionery art is the 16-year-old guy named Franz Zacher. In 1832 he worked as an assistant to the cook of the outstanding diplomat Austria Matternich. In the days when the chef fell ill, Matternich had a grand event that he asked for his court chefs to prepare an exquisite dessert.

Cake "Zaher" and became a delicacy that would conquered all guests of Matternich and the diplomat himself. However, the dessert did not immediately acquire. It was supposed to pass a lot of years after this event so that the whole world would appreciate the recipe for a cake invented by the young, but then ingenious chef.

Only after Franz already with her son Edward opened a confectionery store and began selling his corporate cake in it, the Austrians first learned about him, and then all the Europeans.

Recipe for Vienna Cake "Zaher"

To prepare a chocolate dessert you will need such a set of products:

  • 250 ml of pure water;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 25 g cocoa powder;
  • 125 g of butter and as many sugar sand;
  • 150 g of flour;
  • 60 g of ground almond;
  • 260 g of black chocolate;
  • 110 g of apricot jam;
  • 160 g of cream.

The process of cooking chocolate cake "Zakher:

  1. The very first thing to do is to prepare the form in which you will bake a cake. It is advisable to take a metal round shape, lubricate its inner with butter and trigger it with flour.
  2. After that, go to the kneading test for the biscuit. First you need to prepare a chocolate ganash. To do this, you need to split into pieces of 100 g of chocolate, cut the butter into the same pieces, and then put this mixture onto a water bath. Stirring, wait until chocolate and oil turn into a single mass. When Chocolate Ganash is ready, remove it from the slab and leave it so that it cooled.
  3. Meanwhile, separate yolks from the protein. In yolks you need to add 65 g of sugar and beat them with a mixer until they turn into a lush homogeneous mass.
  4. After that, mix yolks with chocolate ganash and jump everything again with a mixer.
  5. Sketch the flour and add it to the egg-chocolate blank.
  6. After that, whisk proteins with the remaining sugar to the extent that the magnificent protein cream is.
  7. Mix this cream with a chocolate test so that you have a homogeneous mass.
  8. Put the dough into the form for baking and warm the oven to 180 °, and then send biscuit to it. It will last 40-50 minutes.
  9. When the biscuit is ready, get it out of the oven, divide into 2 parts, cutting the biscuit horizontally.
  10. Lubricate each half an apricot jam. Course 2 of the look, and then lubricate the top of the remaining apricot jam.
  11. Prepare Chocolate Ganash for the same principle as we have already described.
  12. Lubricate the resulting icing of the entire surface of the cake.
  13. From the pastry bag, squeeze the chocolate inscription with the name of the cake. After that, the delicacy can be served to the table and enjoy it in a unique taste with a cup of fragrant coffee.

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