Cake Ladies Fingers - Recipe

Cake Ladies Fingers - Recipe

The unusual name of this cake gave its base, which consists of a long, thin tubes that resemble fingers beautiful ladies. these tubes impregnated with a cream, and the cake is decorated with a variety of goodies. The most time-consuming in the "ladies' fingers" - a bake choux choux pastry. But for those housewives who have never cooked it pretty difficult dough to make a cake, too, will not be difficult.

How to make a basis for the cake "ladies fingers"

For custard tubes you need are simple products:

  • 150 g of butter oil of the highest quality;
  • 1.5 cups of ordinary drinking water;
  • a half cup of cut-wheat flour / s .;
  • 5 or 7 of fresh raw eggs (number depending on their size);
  • a tiny pinch of salt.

How to cook the fingers of the test:

  • In a saucepan pour all the water and put it all the oil. Its pre-cut into cubes. Put the dishes on the smallest fire.
  • When the water boils, and the oil dissolved in it, sprinkle in the flour in a pan full. Her pre-mix with the salt.
  • Intensively interfering flour in fatty water, achieve that in a thick pan flour weight. It will resemble a lump of paste. To flour mass is stuck to the bottom, all the time stir it with a wooden spoon.
  • 1-1.5 minutes, remove pan from heat and allow to cool slightly flour weight to about 70 degrees temperature - it is enough to only one or two minutes. To achieve a more rapid cooling, mass periodically stir.
  • Break an egg and pour it into the pan. Stir the contents of a large spoon.
  • Beat the second egg and stir it into the same flour weight.
  • Breaking one remaining eggs and interfering with them into the dough until you get to it began to reach for a spoon. It is possible that it will begin to stretch and after the fifth egg, and it is possible that after the seventh. This may be due to the fact that the eggs you buy a very small size.
  • Finished pulling dough lay out in a confectionery bag with a conventional round nozzle.
  • Deco for baking Shipping parchment for baking.
  • Long strips on the paper from the pastry bag. Try to observe the length of 4-5 cm. Stripping on the deco at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other.
  • Bake your fingers in the oven, preheated to 185-205 degrees.
  • When your fingers are increased in size and become a beautiful pink color, remove them out of the oven.
  • Remove the products from Deco and give them completely cool.

This is what the finished base from the custard dough looks.

If you bake the fingers from a custard test for you will be too time consuming, just buy in the store "Savoyardi" cookies. The cake on this gentle cookie in the shape of fingers will be committed by another taste, but he will also be "ladies' fingers."

So looks like a cookie "Savoyardi". In major supermarkets, cookies are sold in packs, and in confectionery - even for a swim.

Cake Dame fingers - recipe with homemade custard tubes

In addition to the tubes that you have already managed to inach, you still need these products:

  • Sour cream large fat - 2 glasses;
  • Sugar powder - 1 cup;
  • Chocolate black - 1 tile in 70 g;
  • Walnut roasted nuts - 1 cup.

How to collect cake:

  • Beat the cooled sour cream and sugar powder to density.
  • Chocolate soda on a coarse grater.
  • Nuts Put the knife to a large crumb.
  • Take the split round shape for baking biscuit and slightly lubricate its inner sides and the bottom of the sour cream.
  • Put on the bottom of the shape layer of custard fingers and fill them with part of the cream.
  • Place a layer of fingers on the cream again and pour them again with cream.
  • Repeat the previous operation until you run out fingers and cream. The top layer should naturally become sour cream with sugar.
  • Put the future cake in the refrigerator for 3 hours. The cream during this time will freeze.
  • Gently remove the side surface from the shape and remove the cake from the bottom bottom. Put it on the dish.
  • Decorate the cake with grated chocolate or chocolate icing. Boca spill nuts.

Cake Ladies' fingers - recipe with Savoyardi cookies

This taste cake resembles the famous dessert "Tiramisu". For him you will need:

  • Cookies "Savoyardi" - 200 g;
  • Cream for whipping - 500 ml;
  • Very small sugar sand - 160 g;
  • Any yogurt with fruit flavoring 2,5% - 250 ml;
  • Gelatin instant - 30 g;
  • Water - 5 ml;
  • Natural syrup Fruit or syrup from any jam - 200 ml;
  • Chocolate milk - 50 g;
  • Cocoa powder - 2 tbsp.;
  • Pasteurized milk - 2 tbsp.;
  • Any berries for decoration - 200 g.

How to cook this luxury cake:

  • Dissolve gelatin in 50 ml of warm water.
  • Warm solution gelatin Mix with yogurt.
  • Beat cream and sugar.
  • In whipped cream, enter the gelatin yogurt.
  • The resulting cream put for half an hour in the refrigerator.
  • Lubricate the detachable form for the cake from the inside cream.
  • Each single cookie is very quickly dipped into syrup. Watch that it does not risks, but only moisturized.
  • Lay out the layer of wet cookies in the form.
  • Put the third part of the cream on the cookie.
  • Repeat the procedure two more times. From above, you should have cream.
  • Cake hold three or four hours in the refrigerator.
  • Swarge glaze from milk chocolate, milk and dry cocoa. Do it in a water bath.
  • Remove the cake from the refrigerator and remove the shape from it.
  • Pour the cake with icing and decorate berries.
  • If you have a cookie and cream left, you can lubricate the sides of the cake of sour cream with sugar and install vertically cookies. For reliability, tie a bright satin ribbon cake - it will serve and decoration.

In the middle of any cake you can put thin slices of favorite fruits. They will improve the taste of dessert and make it more beautiful on the context.

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