Mirror glaze for cake - recipe

Mirror glaze for cake - recipe

So that any cake looked appetizing and beautifully, it needs to be original. Just make chips from nuts or chocolate - this is yesterday, but cover the dessert with a mirror icing, where you can make beautiful flowers from a cream or mastic, this is already a high level of culinary art. In this article we will tell you how to prepare a beautiful mirror glaze for a cake at home.

How to make a mirror glaze for a cake?

Products that need to be used to prepare a mirror icing:

  • sugar - 1/2 cup;
  • glucose syrup - 1/2 cup;
  • white chocolate tile (if there are no tiles, then take 100 g of chocolate for weight);
  • 2 tbsp. water.;
  • 1/2 banks of condensed milk;
  • 1 tbsp. gelatin (but without a slide).;
  • any dye (it is often used, but you can not apply).

The process of cooking mirror glaze at home:

  1. You need to start mixing sugar with syrup, and then add water here. Put a shill on the middle fire and bring the glaze to such a state so that sugar is completely dissolved.
  2. After that, add gelatin in the sugar mixture.
  3. In a separate scenery on a water bath, dissolve white chocolate, add condensed milk into it and mix well.
  4. As soon as 2 mixtures are prepared, they will need to be combined into one mass. Immediately at this stage is added food dye, if you need to make a mirror glaze color.
  5. Mix everything with a mixer so that the foam is not formed. If you do everything right, then in the glaze you should see yourself (this is the effect of the mirror).
  6. After that, cover the container in which you prepared the glaze of the food film, and leave it in the refrigerator for 12 hours. However, keep in mind that before you cover the cake in the icing, you will need to heat the glaze to 35 °, and the cake itself is at the same time It should be cold so that condensate is not formed on its surface.
  7. Cover the cake is preferably using a measuring glass with circular motions. So that the glaze evenly spread over the entire surface of the dessert.
  8. If you have a glaze, you can collect it in a separate container, cover the food film and store 5 days in the refrigerator.
  9. So that you do not spoil the glaze, use hot knife when cutting it.

How to achieve different shades of mirror glaze?

The color of the glaze for decorating the cake can be any. Here the main thing is to add a dye and keep the cooking temperature of the glaze:

  • If you want the glaze to have a marble effect, add a dye into it without stirring, and then pour a frozen cake.
  • If you want a cake to be covered with a photo of several shades, then you need to simultaneously water it from different measuring glasses so that the glaze spread and merged with each other.
  • If you want the glaze to be pure white, add to it instead of the dye titanium dioxide.
  • If you need a coffee tint, then instead of white chocolate initially, use black or milk. You can simply add cocoa powder at the end of the preparation of glaze. This is the case if you need a white and chocolate mirror icing.

Observing all of the above recommendations, you can prepare high-quality, beautiful, but with the delicious mirror glaze.

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